An Uncomfortable Meal

1117 Words

Remington's POV- My body was rigid as we walked through the dining hall to the head table. There was still a good amount of people in the hall, causing me to be on guard. I didn't know any of these people and I sure as hell didn't trust them. I couldn't trust my own family and I definitely wasn't going to blindly trust the castle would be safe. Raclaus was rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand but it did nothing to quell my skepticism. Raclaus tried to force his way into my mind but I managed to keep him blocked. His reassurances did nothing to comfort me right now. When we reached the head table, each of my mates took a seat in their respective thrones. Renatus motioned for me to sit on his lap but I shook my head. I did not belong up here, sitting on a throne. I was a broke

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