19- Nightmare of my life

1128 Words

“We will see about that.” I replied nonchalantly, “Now get out of here and do not show your face here again until I ask you to. Otherwise you know who is going to be taking the responsibility for your stupid actions.” “You are not going to touch even a stand of her hair.” Keane gritted the words out. “Try me.” I replied sarcastically, my anger was rising at his every word. My wolf was desperately trying to come out and only I knew how badly I was trying to control it, “I can even tell her to cut her wrists to make me happy and she will do it gladly with a smile on her face. Try to do something that is not ordered to you and you may be able to enjoy the live show of what I will do to Ella.” I could literally see the way the vein on the side of Keane’s head started jumping because of his

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