31- f*****g a Monster

1602 Words

Christian was trying to kill me. I winced in pain and tried to pull back from him. I tried to push off his hand desperately. A whimper left my lips. The pain that I felt as soon as he dug his canines in my neck was excruciating. I thought I was going to die. But that pain barely lasted a couple of seconds. As soon as the pain came, it was gone just as quickly. It had turned into most intense, most pleasurable feeling that I had ever felt. And I could not believe it. How was it possible? Just a moment ago I had felt like there was nothing in the world that could save me from the monster. I thought Christian was trying to kill me. But then it turned out into something else. It was unimaginable. I had never even thought about feeling a pleasure so raw and amazing but there it was. Fl

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