CHAPTER 72. Practice Makes Perfect

1208 Words

  ~Layla~   Watching the children train was like observing chaos unfold in merciless ways, as the teacher held onto her last shreds of sanity and patience. They were laughing so hard that they fell to the ground, and clutched their stomachs as clay was thrown left and right. One of the boys had his eyes closed and tried to focus, but he was shoved to the ground by his friend and laughed as he grabbed a handful of grass, pressing it against the boy's face. “Eat it, you jerk!”   “Children, this is no way to behave during practice!” The teacher frustratingly screeched, but it did little to bring the pups' focus back.   They had the attention spans of goldfish; how on earth could they be expected to focus on a three-hour-long training session where unwavering focus was key?   “Layla, let’s

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