CHAPTER 57. You Help Me, I Help You

1247 Words

  ~Sebastian~   Alpha Kade was going on about the importance of being under the radar and careful about not spreading information. How the f**k would he know what was needed? Had it been up to me I would've had Layla back by now but no, it had to be his way. I was getting sick of his arrogance so I took a break and strolled down the hall.   On the way to my room, I smelled something sweet, it smelled like strawberries so I followed the scent up on the second third floor.   Down through the corridor I could see all the doors were shut and I didn't hear any voices but the smell led me to the fifth down on the right.   I knocked on it and hoped it’d be who I thought it was.   She opened the door and smiled. I had seen the way she looked at Kade, she was still in love with him and she wan

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