CHAPTER 46. She’s The One

1177 Words

  ~Kade~   All sound disappeared from the room, the windows closed, and complete silence fell over the office. Everyone stood and kept their distance, but there was no denying the tension that could be cut through with a butter knife. I stepped closer to Aldo, who stood his ground. Sebastian closed in on us and looked between me and his father while trying to keep a confident stand but failing miserably.   ”That’s not going to happen,” I said and pushed the book closer to his body. They really think I'm gonna hand her over?   I’d burn every single piece of information we’ve gathered and go I blind if that’s what I had to do. I was bringing her home, and once I had her here, there was no way I was ever letting her go again. ”It's prime information, Alpha, don’t be so rash in your decisio

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