CHAPTER 41 Whisper Your Truth And Scream The Lies

1272 Words

  ~Layla’s POV~   The trees formed a royal bow as they arched over the tunnel. Going through it, you could not do anything else but rely on your sense of smell and hearing because your eyes were obsolete in the obsidian black environment. Pups were sent here for hours of practice to learn not to rely on their sight too much and to strengthen their other senses. This would come in handy if they ever found themselves blindfolded by an enemy. This instance had occurred because of the fear of being mind-controlled or an Emberclaw seeing their memories and because of that these practices were mandatory.   I had been sitting here for two hours in the eerie silence. Some smaller sounds, such as the wind grazing the leaves or the bird chirping from far away, did make it into the tunnel, but the

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