CHAPTER 20. Locked & Loaded

1234 Words

  Mason left, he went out to the others and asked me to ’please not go up on the fifth floor’. The problem however remained that I didn't trust him right now. I didn't know wether he had my best interest in heart or his brothers and if I were to guess, I would say his brother came first and I respected that.   But that also meant that I was on my own here. There was Anna but she was doing so well, she seemed so happy and I didn't want to be the one to ruin that. The warriors would come soon and I didn't want to sit here when they did.   Just as I reached my room i could hear the chatter getting louder. Everyone was piling in through the door ready to eat and then shower.   Hopefully Kade wouldn't be coming in here and I could breath for a few minutes.   ”Layla?” Too caught up in my own

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