CHAPTER 5. Choices Are Few, I Decide For You

1502 Words

  ”There’s something about you,” he said and looked quizzically at me. ”You’re different,” I was confused.   My fingers were starting to shake and as much as I tried to press them to keep them still it didn't work.   ”Let’s go,” he grabbed my arm and narrowed his eyes. Kade turned around and headed for the door with me dragging behind him.   ”What, no!” I pull my arm free and stare at him completely baffled. We were out in the hall and Alpha Kade was merely a shadow in the dark right now. Nobody would be home for hours and so I was left alone with the most talked about Alpha that ever existed. And it wasn't his kindness and bubbly personality that was talked of. He won every battle he ever fought and right now he wanted to win this one.   ”What do you mean no?” He asked lowly and I gul

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