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Caleb watched his friend's happy face as he look at the bride lovingly who's eyes is twinkling while walking down the makeshift aisle in a private resort at Palawan. He sighed, while the beautiful bride come closer his stomach clenched, shoulders heavy and his chest tightened. The bride was beautiful; and the sparkle in her beautiful eyes, the thin veil over her face, and the white flowing gown she wore- reminded him so much of someone from long ago. The only difference, the girl he's thinking of is not smiling, that girls lip had been pressed into a thin line. And her eyes had sparkled not with excitement, love, or anything remotely similar to those emotions. It had been filled with... Fear. "She's so beautiful," Raphael whispered, the groom, next to him. He is the best man. Caleb made his face happy, "that's why you're not contented having her in your house, you tied her with you." "Trust me, you'll do the same when you finally met the one for you," he arrogantly answered. He kept silent. He doesn't need to inform him that he already met the girl for him. And yes, he married her already. The proof for that is the round object that is hanging around his neck, next to his military dog tag. "SO, Lt, they let you have a leave." Luke said. Luke is his second lieutenant. They are one team with six members who operated SEAL Team Six. In his team, he is Lieutenant Caleb Rogers, master operator and team leader. Because there was an accident during their last mission, the seniors decided to send them in the Philippines to cool down. It was risky because the terrorist saw their faces. But it was resolved already, now the team is back to normal operation. They are back and their first mission was to save their colleague and friend Damian and Alexis- a CIA agent from the hands of the FARC, the biggest terrorist group in Colombia. After their successful mission, they all resigned at the same time except him. He is left at the Command Center looking for new teammates. They had allowed him to have a vacation for three weeks while the seniors resolve everything at Virginia where their main headquarter is located. Vacation is not on Caleb's mind but he can't say no to Raphael to be his best man. His friend literally had no one. No family. The five of them is his family now that's why he came back to the Philippines. All of them had Filipino blood running through their veins and he's happy that his friends end up having a Filipina partners. That is the reason why they resigned. Right now, he's sitting at a long table with his five teammates together with their partners. He's the only one who doesn't have a beautiful woman beside him. "Of course!" he answered to Luke's question. "I can't wait to go back on duty. I'm fed up with your faces so I really needed a new team, " he joked. Arnold smiled, "admit it. You will miss us." Caleb nearly rolled his eyes to what he said. But he just ignored what Arnold said, instead focuses his gaze at the beach shore. The sea is green because of the mountains surrounding them. The very next day the newly wed will fly to Paris for their honeymoon. "Why don't you take up the offer from Langley? You don't need to look for a new team, you can work on your own." They look at Damian at the same time. He was their technical expert until he was recruited to be a CIA agent, that he left with his girlfriend Alexis. "CIA is recruiting you?" Ansel asked with a raised eyebrows. Caleb did not answer Ansel but to Damian, "how the hell did you know about that?" Damian just grinned while his sister Danny, Ansel's girlfriend scowled at him. "Dami, you really need to stop hacking the CIA. Once they learn about this you're in deep s**t again." Shaking his head, of course Damian would know. The CIA recruited him when he hacked their system. "Oh, I know better. They won't catch me," he confidently answered. "So, why didn't you tell us?" asked Arnold to him. "Dude," looking back, "it's the CIA." Arnold smiled as if he were embarrassed. Anything related to the CIA is not to be mentioned. At all. "Okay. Change question, why didn't you accept?" "I'm a soldier, Arnold," come his frugal answer. Raphael cleared his throat and sarcastically "so yeah, thanks for the wonderful conversation on our wedding day guys." Luke laugh out loud followed by everybody. Reaching his champagne glass before standing, " a toast. If I may?" Looking at the bride Cathy. "Go ahead, please." Cathy smiled and the twinkle in her eyes still there. "It feels like it's only yesterday when I saw the green- eyes bastard ranting at the Command Center about not wanting to come anywhere near the Philippines. It was hard for him to come here. And I'm confident to say that not one of us is hoping to see Raphael this happy especially here in the Philippines." Caleb turn to Cathy who's smiling from ear to ear while holding her husband's hand. "This toast is for you, Cathy. I'm simply amazed that you've endured Raph up to this point." Laugh followed his statement, " and I'm sure as hell hope you'll keep Raphael's stupid smile plastered on his face forever... Toast!" "Toast!" "Toast!" "Sir C-caleb?" He was about to take a seat when he heard the voice. Turning to the voice, his breath hitch. It was a man on almost his fifties and tall. In a coat and tie carrying a medicine kit. And he knew who's the medicine kit is. "Ben," he acknowledged the old man. The old man blinked a few times before talking again. "Sir Caleb, it's you!" As if embarrassed he bowed. "I'm so glad to see you." 'Damn it', whispered when he noticed the look of confusion on his friends. "Who's the gentleman, LT?" He couldn't answer fast and Ben did, "I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm Benedict Suarez, executive assistant of Mr. Alejandro Ramirez, grandfather to Mr. Caleb Ramirez here." "Ramirez?" Damian and Ansel at the same time. "Alejandro Ramirez, as in the richest man in Asia?" Cathy pipe in. Ben's eyes lightened but before he talk again Caleb hold him and the arm. Looking back at his friends, "excuse us for a moment." Dragging the old man far enough he let of of him. He can see the nervousness and confusion on his face. "What are you doing here?" "Y-Your grandfather is here." "I know, but what are you doing here?" "Your grandfather is buying these island. He's here to finalize the agreement." Taking a deep breath, " don't tell him that you've seen or talked to me." Again, his expression turned to confusion, "w-why? How many days will you be here? Why didn't you inform anyone?" He looked at him in the eyes and he immediately look down. "I'm sorry. I know it's not my business." "No one will know that I'm here, understand?" "Yes, sir." He turned his back to the man but before he could take a step he spoke. "D-did you receive the letters Sir?" Frozen on the spot, "is everything okay at the villa?" "Mr. Alejandro tried to call you many times but you are unable to be contacted. They even tried to reach you by letters." "They?" "Miss Arielle," the man confirmed head down. Caleb felt his inside tightened but he remained expressionless. "What happened?" "I suggest you talk to them about this matter," the respected assistant of his grandfather said. His lips were pressed into a thin line when he spoke again. "You know more than my father, Ben. Every decision in the house or in the business passed though you. Now tell me why they're trying to contact me." The old man took a deep breath before answering, "Miss Arielle wants an annulment and Sir Alejandro gave her his... blessing, Sir." He tense, "is that so?" The word felt bitter in his tongue. "Sir, I strongly suggest you come home with us. The private plane will be here in just a minute." "You will not mentioned this to anyone, Ben." "Sir-" He gave the men a look making him bow, "I did not see you, sir." He walk away. "Any problem?" Luke greeted once he's back. "I'm sorry, guys, ladies.. I need to go." Reaching for his keys and phone at the table. "Wait! Who was that? And why did he say that you're a Ramirez?" Ansel. "I'm Caleb Rogers Ramirez. That's my full name. I mostly use my mom's last name but I use Ramirez for most of my papers. Our seniors are aware this," he explained. "Holy s**t! you're heir to Ramirez Worldwide Holdings Inc.?" "Looks that way, Arnold." Finishing his drink, "congratulations once again, Raph and Cathy. Everyone. I'll see you." "Where are you going?" "Manila. And then home. To see my wife." With that, he left his friends stunned.
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