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Caleb smirked at the flush on her face. The blush was very obvious and it was becoming on her. She cleared her throat before coming near him. Dropping a folder down the table close to his cup of coffee. "What's this?" He asked, frowning. "Annulment papers. Your signature is needed and once you've signed it I'll bring it to the court." Vexed, he calm his self for he might lash out on her. Said things that will make their situation more complicated. "Eat and we'll talk." Her back was already at him and ready to leave. "I'm not hungry." "You'll be useless in the office without breakfast, babe. Especially since you didn't have dinner last night." He said knowingly "I can eat-" But Dan cut her off. "Come and eat, Arielle. I made your favorite, pancakes with strawberry jam." He saw how she hesitated for a bit but she eventually turn around looking at the food laid on the table. Dan had prepared the same food he prepared a few years back. She nodded and smiled to the chef before pulling the chair beside him. They started eating quietly but there's definitely a tension in the air. Caleb sometimes take a glance at his wife who's eating stiffly. Her hair's on a ponytail and she's wearing a light makeup. It made her look more mature than her age. But she was just as beautiful. "W-where did you sleep last night?" Swallowing first and taking a sip of his coffee then propping his elbows on the table. "Beside you." Eyes still on her. Shock registered on her face for a second. The light dusting of pink on her cheeks darkened. "I-if you're going to sleep on the master's bedroom, then I'm using one of the guestroom." She plucked a grape from the bowl of assorted fruits popping it to her mouth. "You're not sleeping anywhere but in our bed, babe." He retorted harshly. "If you don't remember, I'm filing for an annulment," she snapped. "Do you think that I want to sleep in one room with you?" "Unfortunately, you can't file those papers without my signature," he pressed, "so you are still legally my wife." She put her fork and knife down. Dabbing her mouth with the table napkin. "You're right, but I think you will understand that I will not be performing my responsibilities as your wife." "Why, 'cause you're performing those responsibilities with someone else?" He winced in disbelief when she just smiled sarcastically. A slap would have been better. He just wanted to see if she will be insulted, offended or will get angry of his accusation. But a sarcastic smile? Silently, he cursed. Regretting his words. "I'm afraid that you have to answer that one for yourself, Caleb," her voice mocking. As if something just clicked inside him, her sarcastic smile and mocking tone sent him a punch in the gut. "Don't push me, Arielle." "Why, I'm not even trying." Again, that wicked smile curved her lips. "We both know that it's not the only way I can file the annulment of our marriage. It may-" "Don't threaten me, Arielle. Whatever you're planning, I'm telling you that it will not affect my name. Hell, you're right. I can even marry someone else, if I wish too. But I won't do that because I believe we can still fix this." Her lips parted open but not a word came out. And it took all his willpower not to grab her and kiss her enticing lips. "So you'd better behave yourself if you want me to cooperate." "What do you want from me, Caleb?" He was stunned by her question. What does he really want? And what in the world was he doing here anyway? When he left, he promised not to come back and will no longer show himself to Arielle. But when he learned that she's going to annul their marriage he found himself inside the villa, watching his oblivious wife while she softly moved around the dinner table? In that moment he wanted to just forget what she did and fix their marriage. "See?" She remarked. "You don't know what you wanted. When Papa Alejandro told you to marry me you agreed. You didn't weigh things properly. It's why you left when you woke up and realized what you've gotten yourself into. I was still young that time, Caleb. But atleast I knew what I wanted and I stood by my choice!" Her eyes were red and she was on the verge of tears. He hated himself for feeling so affected by her reaction. "And what exactly is your choice, Arielle?" "Marrying you!" He smiled mockingly. "That you did, Arielle. That you did. And married, we will stay." Turning to their completely forgotten food, "finish your breakfast." "Do you love me, Caleb?" He stiffened. "Do you plan to stay here and build a family with me?" She carry on. "If not, I'm proceeding with the annulment and your consent be damned." Pretending he didn't hear anything, he pick up the morning newspaper Dan had laid on the table earlier. "I want a family, Caleb! And I will not have you ruin that dream for me!" Arielle screamed at him one last time leaving him alone in the dining room. Sighing, he unfolded the newspaper. A news catch his attention bringing memories from the past. "Caleb!" Startled, he turn around to see Arielle running towards him. She was smiling from ear to ear and her pigtails swinging from side to side. She's wearing a silky sleeveless dress with a deep red fabric belt. He bit his lower lip to stop himself from laughing when he saw her slippers: a pair of fluffy bunny slippers. The driver at the back scratch his head going back to the driver's seat. She didn't wait for her him to open the door and opened it for herself. When she got closer he smiled and greeted her with a hug. She threw herself at him they almost toppled over if he did not brace himself. "Hey, baby." Inhaling her fragrant hair before kissing her on the head. "Hi!" Planting a soft kiss on his lips. Still not recovering from her soft kiss, she was already pulling him towards the gardens gazebo. "Look," she showed him a newspaper which he didn't notice she's been holding. "What's that, baby?" He watched her flipping through the pages. "Here!" She's pointing at a picture on the entertainment section. "We're here! It was the two of them from two nights ago, during their engagement party. Arm wrapped around her waist in a possessive manner while the two of them looked at the camera. Below the picture is the news about their engagement. How they look so in love and how their engagement is beneficial to both of their family. He reached for her cold hand and kissing the back of her hand, he stare at her smiling face. "You look so handsome in this picture," she stated innocently glancing at him. "And you look gorgeous, babe." Still holding her hand, he touched her cheeks that is cold too. She was... pale. "Are you okay, baby?" She nodded. "You look really pale, are you cold?" He inquired worriedly and pulling her to his embrace. "I... I haven't eaten breakfast yet." She replied in a weak voice. Exhaling he led her to the dining room. "Dan, breakfast for us, please." "Right away, sir." "Hi, Dan!" Arielle greeted their family chef sweetly. "Miss Arielle, good morning." "I'll help you cook," she made a move but Caleb did not let go of her. "What?" He kissed her lips noisily. "Why do you want to help?" "Y-you said that you wanted me to cook for you?" She look puzzled. Kissing her again, "I changed my mind. Dan's doing all the cooking. What I want is for you to stay beside me forever." The twinkle in her eyes was fading and she's becoming more pale. He felt a strange fear enveloping him. Something cold and disturbing, it scared him. "Hey." He cupped her face. In a flash, the smile on her face came back. "Sure." His curiosity was piqued but he did not pry anymore because Dan have returned with a tray of pancakes, bacon, assorted fruits and strawberry jam. "Wow! My favorite!" Shaking his head, he started eating too. "Eat slowly, babe. No one's going to steal your food." "I can't help it. I'm so hungry." She mumbled taking a bite after bite. Chuckling, he wipe a smudge of strawberry jam from the corner of her mouth using his thumb. Once they're done eating, he showed her his bedroom where they'd taken a rest and a lot of kissing. Then, they take a stroll around the villa. Talking about their likes and dislikes. Their dream. And their future. Caleb put down the newspaper, stand up and left their unfinished breakfast. That was his happiest day. Where they made plans for their future. But now it was just a memory. A memory he will forever cherish.
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