1847 Words

"Miss Arielle!" Gracie shuffled behind her desk as she bounded the corner to her office. "What's wrong?" She just arrived in the office from a meeting. She wasn't needed in the said conference, but she attended hating to stay at the villa after what happened last night. Caleb did not came back. He left her after taking her, not just her body, but her whole being. "Mr. Caleb Ramirez is in your office. I told him you're not in but he insisted to wait. And that your his wife." Her heart skip a beat to what her assistant just said. She doesn't know what to expect from her husband this time. Nodding, "it's okay." She sighed before going inside her office. Caleb was silently watching the framed pictures on the wall. Of her and her father, a year ago before he died. "What do you really need

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