13 |Inquisition|

1399 Words

After that night, Antonio acted colder than he always did. He did not utter a word to me, unlike before when he would try talking to me, even though I gave him attitude. I decided to talk to him to see if I could get him to answer my unanswered questions. "Good morning, Antonio." I greeted. He looked shocked for a second or so, before masking it with his usual conceited expression. "What do you want?" I was not surprised by how rudely he replied me. In fact, I saw it coming. If he acted nice towards me, I would have thought he was running a fever or something. "I...I noticed you have been unusually quiet since this morning. Are you alright?" He raised his brow at me and asked. "You noticed I have been unusually quiet? You?" I wanted to roll my eyes at him, but if I did that, he wou

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