9 |Vow|

1244 Words
"I don't know why, but lately, I have been having doubts about our relationship." I visibly cringed at the end of my statement. I did not mean for it to come out that way. I hoped she would not think of me as a bad person. "I mean—" "Hey!" She cut me off. "I totally understand where you are coming from. You are about to commit the rest of your life to a man — you are bound to feel nervous." She smiled reassuringly at me. "I would feel the same way as well." "I'm glad you understand. For a moment there, I thought you were going to take it the wrong way." I voiced. "He is my brother, yes, but that doesn't mean I'm always gonna take his side, blindly. I'm a little different from other girls." She winked. Indeed she was. "So, tell me, what are you so afraid of?" "Lately, I feel I don't know Antonio well. The wedding is drawing closer, but my doubts keep getting bigger." I feigned sadness. I really wanted to open up to Fin, tell her who her brother really was, but for some inexplicable reason, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Was I perhaps scared of Antonio's threat? — I had no idea. "I feel I do not know him enough." "Antonio is my brother and more than anyone else, I should know him better and I do." She responded. "He is a gentleman — the kind of man every lady would be lucky to have. Now, I'm not saying all these because he is my brother, but because that's really how he is. You have no reasons to doubt his intentions. So far, he is one of the most caring men I have met. He will surely treat and take very good care of you." She assured. Speechlessly, I gazed at her as she spoke. She really did not know who her brother was. I couldn't imagine how she would feel when she finds out about his illegal ways. Their whole family would be devastated. Antonio was not how she pictured him; loving, caring and all that. He was a dangerous man who is roaming about, hurting innocent people, instead of being behind bars. "Really?" I blurted. "A hundred and one percent sure." She replied. "If anyone comes to me and tells me otherwise, I would never believe it. In fact, that person is gonna be termed my enemy for life." I swallowed. Fin was not as easy to talk to as I had thought. Getting to know her better, I realised she was a hard nut to crack. She would never believe a word against her brother — not until a strong proof is presented to her. "Thank you." I forced a smile. "There's absolutely no need to thank me, Andy. You can confide in me anytime, any day." "Cool." I feigned gladness. "I better leave you to shower before your sweats dries up." I stood up to leave. "Alright. We can continue our discussion later. I will meet you in your room." "...Antonio's room." I corrected with a cringe. I did not mean for the words to emerge, but apparently, I could not stop them. It seemed my mouth had a mind of it's own. "It is technically yours as well. You are his fiancée." Fiancée my foot! — I wanted to say this out loud, but I knew I couldn't. I had to suppress and conceal my real emotions with a duplicitous chuckle. "Not his wife." "All the same." She dismissed the topic of discussion. "After breakfast, I will meet you in yours and Antonio's room." She made sure to lay emphasis on her last words. In reply, I smiled. Behind the single smile, masked disgust, anger and Melancholy. Each time I thought of or remembered what my own parents did to me, the powerful feeling of anger would rush over me, clouding my rational thinking. At such moments, all I could wish for is to kill Antonio and get away. Far away from my family and his as well. I never thought I would hate someone to the bones like I hated Antonio for destroying my life. If he had not bought and brought me here, I would still me living my life, oblivious of the hate my parents had for me — I felt angry and grateful at the same time. Was that even possible? "Andy!" Fin yelled, pulling me out of my trance. "Huh? Yes?" I stuttered. "What's wrong?" She asked, genuinely concerned — I could read her emotion through her demeanor. "I'm perfectly alright." I replied. "You were zoned out. Are you sure you're alright?" She probed. "I just had too many things on my mind, asides that, I'm good." I replied and left the room, before she could be able to say anything else. I retired to Antonio's room and plopped into the couch, partially demoralized. Fin did not seem like someone I could confide him. Obviously, she was going to take her brother's side. "Are you done?" Antonio suddenly asked, making me flinch a little. I didn't notice his presence in the room, not until he spoke. I gazed questionably at him. "I suppose you've told Josephine about me." He clarified his previous question. My eyes widened a bit. "Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" He didn't have to reply, the answer was crystal clear — of course he was. He shrugged. "You left me no other choice. I wanted to see if you had the guts to defy me and face my wrath afterwards." "You are a despicable man. I hate you." I gnashed my teeth. "Whatever floats your boat, baby." He blew a kiss at me. Disgusting! "Mark my words, you are going to regret ever crossing paths with me — I will make sure of that." I vowed. It was not just an empty promise. I planned to fulfil it. It was now included in my to do list. "Alright." He shrugged his shoulders, nonchalantly. His action irked me more. I could not wait to have the last laugh. • "Come on, eat some more, dear." Antonio's mother, Jacinta urged. "I prepared all these just for you." She had practically arranged a feast to welcome me into the family. I felt really uncomfortable by her act of kindness, given I was a counterfeiter. "That's so nice of you, ma'am, but honestl—" "Mom." She cut me off. "Please call me mom. It would make me really happy to hear you call me that." "Alright..." I trailed off, suddenly remembering my own mother. She allowed my father sell me and even accompanied him. It hurt a lot whenever reality hit me. "Mom." I finally said. A huge smile spread all over her face. "That's much better than ma'am." She chuckled, serving more food on my plate. Fin and her dad simply watched in amazement. Jacinta was treating me just like she would treat her own daughter — in fact, she was treating me better than Fin. Momentarily, I felt loved, but remembering the predicament I was in, I pushed aside the feeling. It was meaningless anyways. "Yeah." I agreed. "After breakfast, I need to have a word with you both." James announced, chewing on his food, gently. Obviously, he was referring to Antonio and I. I could not pinpoint the reason, but I got this peculiar feeling, it was not going to be something I would like. "Alright, dad." Antonio replied, unflappably. 
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