
783 Words
"Dr. Bella!" Vin's deep voice called out, making me halt in my steps. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before turning and facing the handsome devil. "Mr. Leonardi!" I responded with a professional smile. "I haven't been feeling well today. Can you please examine me?" he asked, his eyes carrying an intimidating intensity, leaving no room for refusal. "Umm... Mr. Leonardi, you're the MD and I'm a junior doctor," I said with a shrug. "I believe it would be best for you to consult a more experienced physician. We can't take any risks with your health," I explained, nodding firmly. "No, Dr. Bella. I don't want any other doctor but you. I trust only you to cure my ailment," he declared, a smirk playing on his lips and his hands tucking into his pockets. But his eyes remained on me as he checked me out from head to toe. Asshole. "Alright, Mr. Leonardi," I relented with a sigh, realizing I couldn't be harsh, giving more excuses, especially with everyone's eyes on me. "Then, shall we proceed to the examination room?" I suggested, trying to regain a semblance of control over the situation. "Dr. Bella, why don't you come to my office and examine me there?" Vin demanded, his tone carrying an air of command as he took a step toward me. I sucked a breath at the thought of being in his proximity. "Well, you see, the examination room is equipped to provide a thorough check-up, which is essential for proper diagnosis," I replied, meeting his gaze with a challenge. "No need to worry! Just tell me what you require, and I'll make sure everything you need is arranged in my office. Come on, Doctor, let's not waste time. I can feel my heartbeat accelerating by the second. And if something were to happen to me, you'd be responsible," he taunted. "Don't worry, Mr. Leonardi. We can't afford any harm coming to you," I assured, giving him a nod before making my way out of the conference room, heading towards the MD's office. My heart raced frantically as I sensed Vin's footsteps following closely behind me. Upon reaching his office, he held the door open for me. I flinched, finding him so close. His expensive cologne mixed with his own manly scent filled the air around me, making my heart nervously flutter. However, I promptly entered and heard him close the door behind me. Feeling trapped and frustrated, I turned abruptly to face him. "What's going on, Vin?" I demanded annoyingly. "So now we're on a first-name basis," he grinned, finding amusement in the situation. "Don't change the topic. You appear perfectly fine. Why do you want me to examine you?" I countered. "I want to ensure that the doctors in my hospital are competent and highly skilled." He shrugged as his cold face remained unreadable. "However, how can you say without examining me that I am perfectly fine?" he challenged, lifting a brow. "So, you want to test my abilities and knowledge," I narrowed my eyes. "I've invested significantly in this hospital. I want to ensure my doctors are well-trained and experienced," he fired back, his gaze intimidating. "So, you're testing whether I'm qualified to be a doctor in your hospital or not," I nodded sarcastically, furrowing my brow. "I simply want you to examine me, Bella. That's all," he sighed, giving a casual shrug. I exhaled in frustration, closing my eyes momentarily. I decided to maintain professionalism throughout. 'Come on, Bella, he is just a patient and nothing more,' I tried to convince myself as I focused on the task at hand. I proceeded to check his temperature by touching his forehead. My palm tingled as it touched his soft skin. I tried harder to mask my reaction. He felt warm, but not unusually so. His skin was so soft under my palm. Next, I held his wrist to check his pulse. It throbbed vigorously beneath my fingers. He was a vigorous, hot-blooded male, perfectly healthy. I swallowed as my gaze fell on his strong, muscular arm, covered in his shirt sleeve, with tattoos peeking through it, and I knew what hid beneath it. "You appear to be normal," I whispered, feeling a bit breathless as his proximity seemed overwhelming. "Check my heartbeat. It's pounding so loudly," he instructed as his voice turned huskier, catching me off guard as he suddenly took my hand and placed it on his chest. An almost inaudible gasp escaped me, my reaction impossible to conceal. My eyes instinctively roamed over him. He was as solid as steel everywhere, his physique impeccably sculpted with more defined abs and pecs compared to previous years.
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