Chapter 2: First Day Of School

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Canna P.O.V.  We made our way over to the school, and my dad was driving faster than usual. The rain was coming down harder now, and the windshield wipers were working overtime. I was relieved when we finally pulled up to the school, but my dad was still in a rush to get to work. He shouted for us to hurry up and get out of the car, and we quickly grabbed our backpacks and ran toward the school entrance. As we arrived at the door, the bell rang, and I knew that we had just made it in time. I took a deep breath and walked into the school, feeling grateful to have made it on time. The moment we stepped into the school building, it felt like time stood still. It was as if we had walked into a movie scene, and everything around us was in slow motion. All eyes were on us, and I could feel the weight of their stares on my skin. My sister let out a nervous chuckle, and I could tell she was just as uncomfortable as I was. I tried to keep my head down and make my way through the hallway, but I could feel the eyes of every student in the school following us. As we walked past the small groups of students, I could hear whispers and murmurs about us. My heart was racing, and I could feel my palms getting sweaty. I wanted to scream at them to mind their own business, but I knew that would only make things worse. My sister could sense my frustration and whispered to me, "Let's just get this day over with. I am not in the mood for these bitches." We continued down the hallway, and I could feel the tension building inside of me. I wanted to confront them, to ask them why they were talking about us, but I knew that would only make things worse. As we passed by one group, I heard one of them say, "Did you hear what their father did on his 21st birthday?" My heart sank. I tried to push their words out of my mind and focus on getting to class. But the stares and whispers continued, and I could feel myself getting more and more anxious. As we finally made it to our lockers, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. It was going to be a long day, but I knew I had to stay strong and not let them get to me. As I approached my locker, I noticed a tall, muscular guy leaning against it with his arms crossed. I let out a frustrated sigh and muttered under my breath, "Can you please move away from my locker?" I braced myself for the usual response, expecting him to make some snide remark about my dad. But to my surprise, he immediately stepped away from my locker and said, Sorry, miss." I couldn't believe it. He was being polite and respectful, something I wasn’t expecting. I quickly opened my locker and placed the books I wouldn't need for the day inside. I closed the locker and turned to see my younger sister walking toward her locker on the other side of the building. I felt a pang of guilt for leaving her alone on her first day, but there was nothing I could do. We would see each other again at recess. I made my way to my first class, feeling a mix of emotions. On one hand, I was relieved that the guy at my locker had been respectful. On the other hand, I knew that there were still plenty of other guys at this school who wouldn't hesitate to make my life difficult. I took a deep breath and tried to push those thoughts out of my mind. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I made my way to the same door where my sister and I had entered the building this morning. I was relieved that the day was over, but also anxious to see my sister and hear about her first day of school. As we walked out of the building, I pointed to where our father was waiting for us in the car. "There he is," I said with a sense of relief. My father greeted us with a smile and asked, "So how was the first day?" I let out a sigh and replied, "It was a typical first day." I turned to my sister, waiting for her response. I had been worried about her all day, wondering if she was okay on her own. "It was a good day, I made some new friends," she said with a smile. Her words made me feel at ease, and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. As we arrived home, the familiar smell of my mother's cooking filled the air. She was busy in the kitchen, chopping vegetables and stirring pots on the stove. I greeted her with a smile and made my way upstairs to my room. I dropped my backpack next to my door and closed it behind me, feeling the weight of the day's events settling in. I changed out of my school clothes and into something more comfortable, but I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had been following me all day. The memory of the groups of people talking about us in the hallway kept replaying in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel like an outsider in the new school. Lost in my thoughts, I was pulled out of my reverie as my younger sister came into my room. "Canna?" she said, sticking her head in the opening of the door. I looked up at her, wondering what had brought her to my room. She had a worried look on her face, and I could tell she was still adjusting to the new school environment. "What's wrong?" I asked. She hesitated for a moment before finally speaking. I was lying on my stomach with my head buried in the pillows. She had a serious look on her face, and I could tell that something was bothering her. "I need to tell you something," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But you need to promise me that you won't tell mom or dad about it." I quickly rolled over onto my back, curious about what she wanted to tell me. My sister was always the more reserved of the two of us, so I knew that whatever she had to say was important. "What is it?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm. "No, promise me first," she demanded, sitting down on the foot end of my bed. I could see the worry in her eyes, and I knew that this was serious. "Okay, I promise," I quickly replied, bringing my body up so that I could sit upright. My sister took a deep breath and began to speak, covering her eyes with her right hand. "I made out with a hunk today between classes in the boy's bathroom," she blurted out, unable to contain her excitement. I was taken aback by her confession, but couldn't help but burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all. "What the f**k, your first day?" I said, still chuckling. "And what did this hunk look like?" I asked, giving her a small smack on her upper leg. My sister grinned from ear to ear as she recounted the details of her steamy encounter. "Well, he had brown hair with sea blue eyes and a body that looked like he lived in a gym," she said, falling over on her back with a dreamy expression on her face. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as I listened to her describe this mysterious hunk. "Well, I hope you're still a virgin," I said, mockingly. She rolled her eyes and replied, "I didn't allow it that far, but his hand was down my pants." I burst out laughing at her confession, unable to contain my amusement. "Your little slut," I said, still chuckling. My sister playfully punched me in the arm, but I could tell that she was a little embarrassed by my teasing. "Please, no one can know about this," she demanded, standing up and walking out of my room. I could see the worry in her eyes, and I knew that she was afraid of being judged by the other students. But I couldn't help but feel a little proud of her for exploring her sexuality and taking risks. As I was still laughing at my sister's confession, I suddenly heard a knock on my bedroom door. I quickly composed myself and called out, "Come in." To my surprise, it was my father who walked in, and he had a serious look on his face. "Canna, we need to talk," he said, closing the door behind him. I could feel my heart racing as I wondered what he could possibly want to talk about. "What is it, dad?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. He took a deep breath before speaking, "I need to tell you something about your mother." I could feel my stomach drop, and I knew that whatever he was about to say was going to change everything. "She's not your biological mother," he said, looking at me with a mixture of sadness and regret in his eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked, feeling a sense of disbelief wash over me. My father took another deep breath before continuing, "Your mother and I had trouble conceiving, so we turned to a fertility clinic for help. We chose an anonymous donor, and your mother became pregnant with both you and your sister." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My entire life had been a lie, and I didn't even know who my biological mother was. I felt a sense of anger and betrayal wash over me, and I couldn't help but feel like my entire world had been turned upside down. "Why are you telling me this now?" I asked, my voice shaking with emotion. My father looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "Your mother passed away last year, and I didn't want to keep this from you any longer." I felt a sense of sadness wash over me as I realized that I would never be able to meet my biological mother. But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about who she was and what she was like. I knew that this revelation would change everything, but I was determined to find a way to move forward and make the best of my life.
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