
Perfectly Broken [COMPLETE]

opposites attract

[Mature Audience]


Alec was the guy I loved, the guy I wanted to be with right now, but he didn't want me. He only wanted to be friends. So Ryan here, Ryswick High's bad boy, proposed that we become s*x friend to satisfy our unrequited love. It seems he has the hots for Chelsea Baker, once head cheerleader before moving to an all-girl catholic school in Montana. As for I, Emma Thorne, my crush, Alec, is still here as my best friend who has a girlfriend he adores which brings us back to... "AAHHH!"


Emma Thorne has more secrets than she'd like. Plagued with an unrequited love for one of her best friends, Alec Romano, she agrees to become "s*x friends" with Ryan Brighton, bad boy rebel and childhood bully, oblivious to his haunted past, to subdue the attraction. However, when a series of murders and secrets start to be unveiled, Emma slowly realizes that how dangerous Ryan Brighton might be...

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(1) We're Just Sex Friends
[For Mature Audiences] A moan escaped my lips, my hands clutching the sheets around me viciously. His tongue swerving around my wet core felt so good, I felt like I was about to climax if he continued. Having a feeling that I was about to have an orgasm, he lifted his head and glared at me. "I haven't even started the good part yet so you better not come," he ordered. He gave me a seductive smile before returning to my moist core calling for him. He replied fiercely, causing me to bite my bottom lip to stop from coming. He'd surely get mad at me if I came early, Chelsea never came early... He trailed kisses up my stomach, fingering my core so it wouldn't get lonely from his touch. He kissed my breast, savoring the taste, nibbling on it. I ran my hand through his dark hair that mimicked Alec's, thinking about him touching me, kissing me. Alec was the guy I loved, the guy I wanted to be with right now, but he didn't want me. He only wanted to be friends. So Ryan here, Ryswick High's bad boy, proposed that we become s*x friend to satisfy our unrequited love. It seems he has the hots for Chelsea Baker, once head cheerleader before moving to an all-girl catholic school in Montana. As for I, Emma Thorne, my crush, Alec, is still here as my best friend who has a girlfriend he adores which brings us back to... "AHHH!" I gasped, feeling his manhood suddenly thrust into me. It took me by surprise which pleased him tremendously, his hips moving more brutally in me. He leaned down, his breath over my lips hesitantly before pulling away, probably remembering the deal. No kissing on the lips. Kissing meant that we had feelings for one another and the guy that was making my body jolt with pleasure was the man I've hated since the first day of elementary school. Instead, he kissed my neck, moving his hips harder at the displeasure of me not being Chelsea who he wanted to kiss. I wanted Alec inside me, closing my eyes imagining it was him kissing my shoulder and pulling me up on him. "Oh, God, Chelsea," he moaned. I had become used to being called Chelsea by him. Actually I've become indifferent to the name. I just thought of Alec, pushing him on his back, grinding on top of him. I could hear his voice in my head and picture his face on Ryan's body, grinding harder onto his manhood. "Oh, Emma, you're so incredible," Alec would say, giving me one of his sexy smiles I loved. "I love you so much, Emma." I blinked my eyes, inches from Ryan's face before I realized I wasn't with Alec and pulled away. This was the down side of our "relationship," at the end of the day, Ryan still wasn't Alec and I wasn't Chelsea. We both reached our climax together and I quickly got off of him, knowing I'd feel dirty after. But he wouldn't let me go, grabbing my arms roughly which I winced at. "I want to do it again," he whispered in my ear through his teeth. "I have to go...pick my brother up from afterschool—" "Bull, it's Tuesday, you're mom picks him up on Tuesdays." Damn his memory, it was as good as mine which only made me hate him more. Before I knew it, he was picking me up and throwing me back on the bed, his hands twisting my wrists a bit. "Ouch, that hurts," I whined, hiding my sadistic pleasure of the pain. "It's been three months since we started this, you should have gotten used to it already." Actually, I have gotten used to it, I thought bitterly. I turned away from him, a little frustrated that he had made me into a masochist within these three months. I would have never condoned such roughness he was inflicting on me. Hell, I'd still be a virgin if it wasn't for him. I could soon feel his hot breath against my ear, sending a pleasing shudder down my naked body. "One more time, Emma," he whispered. I felt my heart tighten at the sound of my name leaving his tongue. I bit my bottom lip, knowing I'd regret another session of reminiscing how I was having s*x with my mortal enemy instead of with the man I love. I nodded and immediately he nibbled on my neck, causing a moan to leave my mouth. He knew the exact spots that made me want more. He laced his fingers through mine, kissing down my body, taking some time to savor my breast again, flicking my n*****s with his tongue. I clutched his fingers tighter. Wanting him to know what he was doing to me, I pushed him back on the bed, sinking down to his manhood. I loved how big it was, how it always filled me up when it was inside me. But I'd never let that be known to him. Getting off, I licked it, grinning when he shivered at my touch. It felt good to have dominance over him, most of the time it was the other way around but I knew where and when I could be in control. And as I sucked on it, listening to him groan holding onto my hands tighter, I knew I had seized control. But before I could make him come, he pulled me up to flip me on my back. "You don't play around, do you?" He rammed himself inside me, making me gasp loudly, probably punishment for seeking dominance over him just now. However I wasn't going to let it show that he was dominating me. "Harder!" I moaned, liking the pleasurable pain. My heart raced as he dug harder, faster inside me. Overwhelming lust filled me to the brink and I lifted his hand to my mouth, kissing his palm before he pulled me closer to his body. His chiseled chest burned against mine, giving me a wave of emotions through my body. His lips soon brushed against mine until he pulled back, a little surprised that we had gotten that close to kissing. He paused for a second, picking me up and taking me off his manhood. "Get on your hands and knees," he ordered. After a second of freezing, he glared at me to get a move on and I obliged, a little afraid of him right now. Once I was on my hands and knees, he kissed my shoulder, entering me from behind. He squeezed my breast roughly and I winced, biting my bottom lip. He put his middle finger in my mouth, occupying my tongue while he pushed harder into me. He grabbed my neck, lifting my head up so he could kiss my forehead before we reached our climax simultaneously. I moved away from him, flopping onto the bed out of breath and he plopped down beside me breathing heavily. I was tired from two sessions but I knew I had to get out before the recognition of what we were doing settled in. Even after three months, I couldn't accept the fact that we were s*x friends, filling a void that was meant for others to fill. I silently picked up my clothes, getting dressed while he just watched. I could feel his eyes bore into me and I had to resist the urge to shiver from the heat of it. Once I slipped on my shirt, I flipped my dark brown hair before putting it in a messy ponytail. I put on my glasses and grabbed my bag, turning to him with a smirk. "So, when's our next session?" I asked. He was now under the covers, his hands behind his head with his glistening chest exposed. "With those glasses, I'd say never." I picked up one of his plush baseballs off of his dresser and threw it at him, which he caught swiftly and conceitedly. "I only put them on to see, that's why I take them off when I'm with you so I won't have to recognize your ugly ass." He snickered. "Cute. I'll keep you updated, loser." I rolled my eyes, walking out his room. "Whatever, jerk." I slammed his door behind him, guilt rushing through me for what I had done for the hundredth time. I hated him so much. Don't get me wrong, he's good at what he does...sex...but with other things, he sucks. The only reason that I agreed to become his s*x friend was because he caught me at a vulnerable moment. Alec had told me bluntly in the cafeteria that he needed me ONLY as a friend just before meeting up with his girlfriend, Brooke. I felt crushed and he continued to tell me how they were going all the way that night, he had set up a romantic date, and he was sure he'd get laid. I dismissed myself and Ryan saw me rushing towards the janitors' closet, crying with my heart broken. Chelsea had just moved to Montana, breaking up with him since she knew from experience that long distant relationships didn't work well with her. And since I was feeling heartbroken and in distress, he proposed that we become s*x friends until one of us got back the people we love. I agreed but I'd regret it like I was now. I headed for my car, watching him watch me through his bedroom window. He gave me a sarcastic smile and waved bye. I gave him the finger with the same mocking smile and he laughed, closing the curtains completely. I pulled off, annoyed by him even more and hoping that I wouldn't need a coping session soon but I knew I would. Alec lived right next door. Sometimes with his window open, I could hear them having s*x in his bedroom. I'd often turn my music on but when I couldn't take it anymore, I'd call Ryan and pretend he was Alec. It was sick, I know, but I didn't know how to turn my feeling for him off. When I arrived home, I saw Brooke's car parked in Alec's driveway and sighed. When I pulled into my driveway, I saw them walking out together, him leading her to her car. I held back my nausea, slipping out my car and locking it, keeping my eyes trained on them for a bit. She slipped into her car, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before driving out. I turned away, trying to find my keys in my bag and my attention away from the happy couple hoping he wouldn't notice me. "Emma!" he called and my heart pounced from hearing my name from his lips. I attempted to ignore him but I could hear him running across the narrow street just as I found my keys. Once I drove them into the lock, Alec caught my arm, his warm touch making my heart race. I scowled when I noticed he smelt like girly perfume. I knew Brooke had been all over him. I played it off with a smile. "Oh, Alec, hey!" I smiled, hiding my discomfort of the smell. I liked his musty, man smell much better. "What's up?" He smiled at me, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Nothing much, your mom asked me earlier to have dinner with you all since my dad's out of town." Alec would often eat (maybe even sleep) over when his dad went out of town for his job or to meet up with his girlfriend in L.A. He pressed his lips together, that cute smoldering expression on his face with his eyes looking over to the side making me smile. He looked so sexy when he did that and he knew it. "So are you cooking tonight? If you are, please tell me we're having your delicious shrimp tortellini." I laughed at his puppy dog expression. "Maybe." I opened the door to see my little brother, Chase, playing video games. He was only twelve and already a major video game addict. I ruffed up his hair which he scowled at me for before he paused his game and glaring at me. "No messing with the doo," he glared. He soon spotted Alec and smiled. They were best friends, Alec mostly teaching him things mom and I couldn't since our dad died at work, being a fire fighter and all. "Hey, Alec!" "Hey, little man." They gave a fist pound and I rolled my eyes, heading for the kitchen. Mom was going over some taxes. Tax season being her busiest as an accountant, she tended to work more in the kitchen where the computer was. "Hey, mom." She looked up, smiling at me for a moment. "Hey, sweetie. I saw Alec getting home earlier and Mack wasn't there so I invited him over for dinner." "I know. He's in the living room with Chase." I placed my bag on the marble island, going over to the sink to wash my hands. I still felt dirty for what I had just done then acting like I wasn't whoring around moments ago with Ryan, like I was the innocent child my mother believed me to be. "So shrimp tortellini?" After drying my hands, I went to the freezer, taking out the pound of shrimp and placing them in the sink, running some warm water on them. Mom put on a guilty expression, biting her nail. "No tortellini, I got ravioli." I shrugged. "No prob." I turned off the water, letting the ice melt in the bag. I grabbed my bag after mom went back to work. I went back to the living room, heading up stairs to my room to hear Alec get up from the couch. "Oh, Emma, I need to talk to you." He paused his game and followed me upstairs to my room silently. Once inside, he closed my door, leaning on it with a sorrowful expression. I sat down my bag wondering if he was alright. "Alec, what's the matter?" He sighed, scratching his head. "You remember when we were kids and you just moved here with your mom and brother?" I nodded, sitting on my bed. "You remember when we'd pretend to be detectives and you obsessed with being the photographer, catching the culprit on film?" "Yeah, Alec, where is this going?" I crossed my arms, watching him imprint a line into the carpet with his foot. "Can you be a detective for me?" "For what?" He looked up at me, his expression a bit crushed and desperate. "I think Brooke's cheating on me."

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