Chapter 202 Lucy Is Not Impressed

1535 Words

Everything seemed like it had settled down, but then Elizabeth turned to Steven and said, “William’s words were wise and I think that, so long as we abide by them, there will be peace in this house. That does not mean that I agree with everything he said, and there are still amendments to be made. This is the first: While you are under this roof, you and Jenny can be a couple. When you are outside though, I insist that you continue to look for an appropriate mate. "Starting tomorrow,” she continued, “I will set up some dates for you. You must meet every girl I choose. If you do not, I will expose you and Jenny to your father and all hell will break loose." Steven scowled and he said, "I'm not going on any dates that you set up for me. It would just make my life more complicated than it a

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