Chapter 257 The Press Junket And The Accident That Preceded It

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Steven and Jenny were among the few who knew that they weren’t siblings, but they had to keep it to themselves. Even though they had blood tests to prove it, they knew that no one would believe them. Before they could announce it, they would have to find Jenny’s biological parents. If she had no relation to Steven, then she had no relation to Elizabeth or Richard, and Steven refused to allow her to be seen as a bastard or orphan. William was also doing what he could to help. Jenny didn’t know that he was, but it was true. William didn’t want to see the baby die under false pretenses and so, even if it couldn’t be proven today, he was committed to protecting Jenny from Elizabeth. Vivian was also doing what she could to help out. "Jenny,” she’d said one time, “don't be impetuous. If you're

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