William looked at the invite from Vivian once more, and then he looked at Lucy. The invite had been addressed to him personally, but it was also for everyone in the office, which made him feel like he’d been placed between a rock and a hard place. If all of his employees went, then he had to go. He looked around the room helplessly. Suddenly Hailey stood up for him. “The boss is married,” he said. “He can’t go to a party. He needs to stay home with his wife.” “He could take his wife,” someone argued. “Why not? Technically, she even works here!” William glanced back at Lucy. She looked ill, but she shrugged as if to say, “If we must, then we must.” He looked back at his employees. “Alright,” he replied. “I will go, but just for dinner and then we have to go.” When William and Lucy arrive