Chapter 281 A Living Room Confrontation

1401 Words

Steven looked across the bed to where Leo was standing naked, akimbo, and unashamed. He looked down at his mother, who was also naked but had wrapped herself in a blanket. He had caught them f*****g and he had offered them a fair deal. If they told him who Jenny’s biological parents were, then he would keep this little tryst to himself; but they had turned his offer down, and he had no idea why. “Who are you protecting?” he’d growled, after arguing with them for some time. “Does that person mean so much to you that you would give up your life for theirs?” Leo reached down to the ground, picked up his underwear, and casually put them on. Once that was done, he met Steven’s eyes and said, "I have a way to help you out. It would allow Jenny to get out of the trouble she is in and it would m

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