Chapter 41

1618 Words

Nate Pov I had to admit I was slightly annoyed with the deviation, but I understood once I started to see how she was acting. She was scared, I could feel it through the bond, and I couldn’t understand why she was scared. All I had told her was I wanted to talk to her about the contract, but now that I think of it…I should have said why. ‘You’re a dumbass, you know that? She’s probably thinking you’re wanting to discuss the next part of the contract.’ Ray said with a growl of annoyance. I blinked a few times, putting on the turn signal as I drove out of the pack. ‘The heir, dumdum. She probably thinks now that y'all are married and her sister is found, that you’ll want the heir. It’s placed on the contract as to be discussed later, and then you tell her all stiffly you want to talk about

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