Chapter 15

2485 Words

3rd Person Pov-Addison Addy was furious, pacing back and forth in the cell, unsure what was going on. She had turned back into a human moments after the masked man brought her a plate of food. She saw the movies, now not to trust the random food placed in the cages of the kidnapped girls, but she was starving and the man had seemed to realize she was vegan and gave her proper foods to support her bunny diet. She tried to go without touching it but she was starving and eventually couldn’t help but sit down and eat the food. It didn’t mean she’d do it nicely. She grumbled and complained the whole time she ate the food, throwing a bit of it around outside the cells and even started to throw some of the water around as well just because she could. She knew she’d probably end up regretting it,

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