Ice Dreamer-1

397 Words

Ice Dreamer Prussis gingerly lifted the large, metal, cylindrical container out of the refrigeration unit. It was heavy, and the fluid inside made it difficult to keep evenly balanced. She slid it onto the dusty bench and plugged the sensor wires into their inlets. She turned to the monitor. Good. The temperature inside was at exactly six degrees Celsius. Warm-up was progressing nicely. The circulation machine sat nearby. Prussis pulled two small soft plastic tubes from it and attached them to the valves on either side of the container. Turning the machine on, she programmed it to a one degree increase per hour for the next 26 hours. She sat back. In the old, disused lab, the sunlight was shining low through the windows, lighting up motes in the air. The circulation machine whirred softl

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