1170 Words

Smith's Pov I observed the scene unfold, my sharp eyes catching every nuance. Thomas, my old acquaintance, stood there, a mix of suspicion and determination etched on his face. I needed to steer his attention away from Annabel. The less he knew, the better. Approaching him with an air of nonchalance, I spoke with a hint of aloofness. "Thomas, long time no see. What brings you into this mess?" His eyes narrowed, the familiarity between us tinged with tension. "Smith, what are you doing here?" I feigned casual indifference. "Just happened to be in the neighborhood. Heard about the vampire attacks, thought I'd lend a hand. You know, maintaining the balance." Thomas was no fool. He saw through the façade, suspicion evident in his gaze. "You conveniently show up when trouble arises. What's

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