1588 Words

Annabel's POV  The fae, I thought to myself, eyes narrowing in contemplation. What could have drawn them here? Unable to contain my curiosity, I turned to Lombard and voiced my question, "What do you think they have come for?" Lombard, who seemed unusually serious, replied with a gravity that sent a shiver down my spine. "When magic is waning, when the delicate balance tips, the fae are drawn to it. They sense disturbances in the supernatural realm. Something is wrong, and they've come to address it." Thomas, always attuned to the undercurrents of our world, interjected, "Could it be related to Annabel's newfound ability to hear thoughts?" Lombard's eyes flickered with a mix of concern and curiosity. "It's possible. The fae is intimately connected to the ebb and flow of magic. They m

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