1243 Words

Annabel's POV I lay on the sterile white hospital bed, the antiseptic smell filling the room as a reminder of the chaos that had unfolded earlier. My shoulder ached with every move, and I couldn't help but wince as the doctor examined it. Dr. Stevens, a stern-faced woman with a no-nonsense attitude, inspected the wound with a furrowed brow. "This is quite a deep laceration, Annabel. You're lucky Thomas got you here in time." I nodded, my voice strained from the pain. "I owe him my life. He's always been there for me." The doctor continued her examination, her fingers gentle but precise. "We'll need to clean and stitch this up properly, but I have to warn you; it'll be painful. We'll also need to monitor your blood loss closely." I managed a weak smile. "I can handle it, Doctor." As s

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