Chapter 12

2352 Words

CHAPTER 12 When I had first come to Villmark, Thorbjorn had warned me never to walk through the woods north of the village on my own. They were a dark, dangerous place that none but the Thors dared to venture into. He didn't have to warn me twice. At the time, I had felt a menacing presence every time I walked through those trees. Like I was being watched, tracked, hunted. As Loke and I walked through them now in the growing darkness of sunset, it was hard to remember how wary I had been just a few months before. Granted, I wasn't alone now, and the one companion besides himself that Thorbjorn had allowed me was, in fact, Loke. But a lot had changed since then. I had first learned that my latent magical abilities had made me a beacon, luring those dark forces I had felt hunting me. Then

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