Chapter 16

2197 Words

CHAPTER 16 Something was making my face all hot and tingling. That was the first thing I knew. The second thing was that I was very, very thirsty. My tongue was thick and furry and my lips had been plastered together, then the plaster had dried and cracked. Nothing about that was remotely comfortable. And someone was meowing my name. No, Mjolner was meowing his most shrill, most demanding meow. But someone else was calling my name. My eyes were even more crusted over than my mouth, but I managed to get them open even as I pushed away the hands that were shaking my shoulders. "Stop," I grumbled, trying to sit up. That proved beyond me. So I slumped on my side on the floor instead. I had moved away from the hands, but now I was in the full light of the morning sun, so bright it hurt my

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