Chapter 11-1

465 Words

Chapter 11 Harris’ gut tightened itself in knots every time he thought about what he’d agreed to. At first, the thought of helping others was an amorphous idea, but as Tucker poured the cement, Harris couldn’t escape it. Tucker took control of everything, so much that the project grew without Harris okaying most of it. Over the next few days, he’d asked Tucker for progress updates, but Tucker was too busy on the phone, organizing the event. “Show” or “performance” sounded too phony, so they’d decided on “event.” The Sixth Sense of Love Event. Harris certainly couldn’t hang out by the mall giving fortunes like the phonies who charged twenty bucks for a palm reading. He had to be dignified, impressive, and reach more people. “It’s gotten away from you,” Mr. Winters often whispered in Har

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