You Belong To Me

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Excision, Wooli & The Devil Wears Prada- Reasons B.B. I am literally the stupidest person I know. I should have told him he couldn't upload this to other computers. He is so pale. Even his pretty hair is falling flat. I think we're going to have to hunt for him. "s**t," Ro puts his hand on his forehead. "Rem, where is she?" I shout. Ro pulls his phone out. We were halfway to the docks when I felt the flash go through me. I don't know what Remy did to get us here this fast but one moment we were hitting the brakes on the highway and the next we were coming to a stop in our driveway. Remy appears outside my balcony. I get up when my eyes move to the black fuzzy bundle in her arms. I'm in front of her taking her out of her arms. "Oh, sweetie. I am so sorry," I set her down on my lap. She lifts her little head to look at me. Her little beak snuggles into me letting a little tired squawk sound. Remy kneels in front of me and places her hand on the bird. With her other hand, she reaches inside of me and pulls my essence out the way she had with Lucien downstairs. Felicity immediately thrashes around until I sit her up on the ground in front of me. I step back to give her some room to move around. She hops around until Remy lets her go. She looks up at me and squawks again. With a little more enthusiasm. She turns to the bed and jumps up on the bed. Lucien hugs her when she wiggles into his side. "Victor is on his way. We're going to hunt for him," Ro informs me as he looks Lucien over again. "Do you want me to help?" "No, stay here with him. We've got him," he turns away with a heavy sigh. "You didn't know," Remy places her hand on my shoulder. "He could have died, Remy. Look at him. I did that," "Yes, you did," she nods. "It worked too," she places her hand on my head and comes around to stand in front of me. "Can you imagine what we can do with that kind of power?" "Did you hear what I just said?" I glare at her. "It could have killed him, Remy," "It didn't. He's alive. Relax. Remove it from their reach. We can improve it and when it's ready-" "Oh, my god. Stop. You're insane. I'm getting rid of it," I move past her. "It's in Delilah's laptop," Lucien says from my bed. "Destroy that," "I promise," I agree. I rush downstairs to find my dad standing next to what's left of Delilah's laptop. He holds up the little thumb drive with a smirk on his face. "No, Dad," "Too late," he tosses it up in the air and disappears into black smoke. "It's mine now," "Dad, please give that back to me," I plead. "No, I'm going to hold onto it. Once things have settled we'll revisit the note you used to create this frequency. You are a smart f*****g cookie, Pinky. You turned my vocals into a f*****g weapon. I was proud of the robot and even your campaign plan but this," he points at the laptop. "Is the greatest cover of all time," "I used the audio from your Morning Ashes song," I drop onto the couch and cover my face with both hands. "How can I be so f*****g reckless? I was so sure Lucien wouldn't f**k with it," "He didn't. We kind of convinced him," he says sitting on the armrest of the couch. "We also tried to convince him that you chipped him and he said and I quote, she would never do that to me. Something about a yes, please law," "Aww, he's right," I nod. "B.B.," Carson and Ahsan walk in together. "What happened?" "Oh, my god," I groan. "I'll leave you to it. Feel free to tell them I kept it and that you have no say in the matter," Dad gets up and leaves. I turn my attention back to the Devils who are watching me expectantly. "I didn't mean to," I stand up and explain to them what happened. Carson puts his hand on my head and shakes his head. "You gave that to Lucien?" he scolds me. "Lucien is the only one that listens to me. He's had it for a while now. Then he showed it to f*****g Delilah," I groan. "And my dad was there. We should go check on him," "Okay, come on," he takes my hand. "I actually have to go," Ahsan laughs. "It's not funny," I glare at him. "It's a little funny, Princess," he teases. "It was an accident. Lucien is fine and your dad is right. It could be useful in the future," "Don't start," I growl at him. "I'll see you guys later," he laughs. "Leave it to Daniels to beta test an audio that can level Black Death and a demon prince," "f*****g Lucien," Carson laughs. "Wait, you can't go alone," I stop him. "Dec's outside with Dylan," he shrugs and leans in to kiss me. "Okay," I nod and step back. "What's happening with you can Dec?" Carson asks. "I don't know," I answer honestly. "Just give him room," The two of them exchange a look before Ahsan leaves. Carson and I go upstairs to find Lucien sitting against the headboard with Felicity laying on his lap. He looks up at us and smiles tiredly. I take a juice from my mini fridge and hand it to Carson who opens it and hands it to him. "You f*****g i***t," Carson laughs. "That was insane," he said. "I am more than happy to give you my cliff notes, now. Did you destroy it?" "My dad took it," I shake my head and take my kit from my vanity before going to sit with him. Felicity squawks at me when I scratch her little head. "I know, baby. I'm so sorry," "How do you feel?" Carson asks him. "Like I can sleep for a while but my body is going a million miles an hour," he answers. "Look at me," I say holding up my flashlight. His pupils are huge and shaking. I listen to his breathing and his heartbeat. He's right. His essence is spooked for lack of a better word but the rest of him seems fine. "I'm going to go check Delilah and Ash," "They were standing behind me. I took most of the blast," Lucien laughs and then gets serious when I don't. "Baby, this wasn't your fault. It was an accident," "Lucien you weren't f*****g breathing," I growl at him. "You hear that?" I tap his head. "I don't hear anything," he shakes his head and looks me over. "Exactly. Felicity isn't connected to her murder. You were momentarily split. Had I not shared my essence with you earlier, you would have died, Lucien. There wouldn't be an I'm sorry because you'd just be dead and Lily," I stand up. "Oh, my god. She would be so angry at me for being so f*****g irresponsible and I'd deserve it. She'd never let me see you again," "My dead mom?" he smirks. "Shut up, Lucien. I'll be right back. Let me check on my stupid sister," I stand up taking my things with me. "Your dad too," "He's dead. He can't get any deader," I wave him off. I tap on the bathroom door. Ash opens it for me immediately. "B.B.," he grins. "We were just talking about you," "Are you okay?" I ask him. "I'd like to examine you guys if you don't mind," "Come in," he steps aside. Damian is in here with them. "Hey," he greets me. "When did you get here?" "Just now, Vic and I were headed this way when Jimenez called. I f*****g told you about that audio," he points at me. "Did you check them?" "Yeah, they're fine," he nods. "I'm going to check Del. Lucien is not doing well," I go over to her. When I flash the light in her eyes, they're normal. I sit back wondering if she heals faster because of Ash. "How do you feel?" "A little glitchy. Like my blood is racing faster than it should be," she answers. "I think it's because I was standing behind Lucien. He was sitting right in front of the laptop. I'm sorry, B," "Ash," I wave him over. He sits across from me and I examine him as well. Just like her, there's nothing wrong. "Did anyone else get hit?" "Ruth," she nods. "She's okay. She's cleaning up in the kitchen. Did you check Dad?" "He took the drive. He seemed fine," "B.B. why did you create that?" she smirks. "Carson doesn't like hiring humans and Lucien was complaining about the disruption," "And because we f*****g could," Damian adds. "I can't believe we didn't think to use it as a weapon. I'm a little disappointed in us," "Shut up, Damian," I roll my eyes making him laugh. "For now, it's fine that your dad has it. They're fine. We should consider this a win. No one died. The first time we ever beta tested anything we killed that guy we took from the feds," "I should check on Dad," I get up. They laugh at me as I make my way out of their room. I head over to his study to find it empty. I head over to my parent's bedroom and I don't have to get close to know he's not in there alone. I tap on the door. "Dad, I want to make sure you're okay," I call out. "It'll take a couple of minutes," "Sure," he rips the door open. There's a woman sitting on the bed with them. "You remember War," "You're not a little girl anymore," I nod. "Never was, Darling," she smiles. "Were you guys here when it happened?" I ask. They both shake their heads. I check my dad's vitals to find there is absolutely nothing wrong with him. "If I ask for it back-" "No," he smirks. "Dad," "Daughter," he mocks me. He places his hand on my head. "B.B., it was an accident," "Lucien almost died," "Almost. s**t happens," he shrugs. "Dante," Mom growls at him. She comes over and hugs me. "It's okay, B.B. just be more careful next time. Maybe stop f*****g with demonic s**t," "It's not. They're dad's feeding vocals," "What?" the three of them ask. "Yeah, it's the frequency of your feeding abilities. How you can coax the essence of the people you used to sing for. How did you think it worked?" I smirk. "How does yours work?" "Same way but I have six mates to feed from. I don't need to use it like that," "Your mom was able to coax that out as well," "Yeah, because Mom tapped into the frequency without knowing. She was a witch. Had she been trained with her tribe she'd be insanely powerful. Anyway, I need Lucien to take a long sleep and I am going to break out my secret sleepy time weed if you guys want to join us in the library," "I don't know if I'm comfortable with that," Mom says. "I am down. I can use some sleepy time. My body is wired," Dad nods. "I'll be down in a bit," I go back to the room to see Carson laying on the bed with Lucien. His head is next to Felicity but he's not touching her or even acknowledging her in any way. They're both tapping away at their phones. I got over to my vanity and pull out my golden jewelry box. "Is that B.B.'s sleepy time strain?" Lucien asks sitting up. "Yes, I need you to get at least twelve hours of sleep before you can link up to your murder again. You were tired even before you did the stupid thing," "You have been doing a lot," Carson agrees. "It's just senior year. You guys will see next year," he sighs. "I was going to try and talk you out of making me stay tomorrow," "Nope. One day isn't going to ruin your career. I was going to say one day isn't going to kill you but my soul cried a little cause you almost died," I crawl into the bed with the two of them. They both wrap their arms around me. "What did it feel like?" Carson asks after a while. "Come on, you and Dad can share stories while we're in the library," I get up. The three of us go downstairs to find my parents and David. I don't say anything as I place my things on the coffee table. The guys on the other hand don't hold back their displeasure. "I hate both of you and you live in my house with my daughter," Dad growls at them. Mom and I laugh. "You don't hate us, Mr. B. You hate that your daughter loves us more," Lucien scoffs. "Trusts us more," Carson adds. "Sure, it's why she got six more of you," David sneers. "Really?" I turn around and face him. The last time David opened his stupid mouth we all ended up fighting. "I thought you'd be a little more mature than him," "You thought wrong," Mom laughs. "If there was ever a book written on the fundamentals of being a f*****g asshole, it was based on David's personality and the sequel would be on Dante thinking it's the greatest thing in the world," "Mmm, legacies right here," Lucien points to Delilah as she walks in with Damian behind her. "B.B. being mean to the socialites and Dilly recording it for visual representation when talking s**t about her," "Evidence of her evil," Delilah corrects him. "I don't know what you guys are talking about. I am the nicest person I know," I shake my head. They all laugh. "What are we doing?" Delilah asks. "Is this Commissioner Espinosa or Prisoner zero zero five. General David Van Helsing aka Dumb Helsing? What we do next depends on your answer," I laugh at his expression. "Please tell me that's a random number that popped into your head and not the number of people you've imprisoned," he pinches the bridge of his nose. "You know I don't like to lie to you, David," I laugh. "We've had more than five prisoners. B.B.," Delilah shakes her head. "Like a lot more. They're all tagged. I believe Escobar nicknamed them the cattle. We have an app," "Not here in the house though," I agree. "Although he is the first one that we let walk around freely. He's a good boy," "What is happening?" he looks over at Dad. "They've deemed us the enemy and have joined forces until we're gone," Mom explains. "Who's winning?" "We are," Delilah and I say at the same time. "By a long shot," Damian adds. "B.B. just entered the game and she's surprisingly good at it," Dad nods. David crosses his arms over his chest and grins at me. "You've read the Art of War. Right?" he looks me dead in the eyes. "I believe you called it light reading," "Are you challenging me, old man?" I step forward. "Oh s**t," Lucien laughs. "Ready player three," "We have been at war for some time now. I have valuable information," he shrugs. "You are my prisoner, Dumb Helsing. Until I release you, you don't belong to Black Death or Conquest. You belong to me," I remind him. "Your well-being is literally in our hands. None of our prisoners have been able to escape. We have one in my lab right now," "That doesn't work on him," Dad laughs. "D's a filling. Nothing scares that motherfucker. We've tried," "What's a filling?" Delilah asks. Lucien snorts and leans in to whisper it in her ear. Her eyes go wide as she spins around to look at Damian and Ash behind us. "Do you see what I mean?" she points at them. He nods his head sympathetically. "I'm telling you I don't exaggerate what I tell you," "I'm starting to see that, Flower," he nods tapping his hand over his chest. "What the f**k is that?" David asks. "Delilah is dating Ash. This dude is the demon in charge of reforming damned souls in hell. He's a demonic shrink," Dad laughs. "Oh," I turn to Carson. "I told you something was weird about him and you said he's probably just really nice. He's a demon shrink. I knew he was doing something nefarious," "Yes, how evil of me to help you understand your emotions so you can advance your abilities and not kill one of your lovers in a heated make-out session," Ash rolls his eyes. "You don't just support someone like that without permission. It's why people pay money for therapy. For the privacy and anonymity between the doctor and patient counseling. We call this Espinosa-ing. You're a mole," "B.B.," Delilah covers my mouth. "You don't talk like that to them. What the hell is wrong with you? That is a f*****g demon prince. The last time I disobeyed I ended up in the pit," "There is no pit here, Del. He's in a meat suit. We summoned him," I shove her hand. "We're stronger than them because this is our world. Chance told me," "Is that true?" Carson laughs. "Yes," Ash nods. "Did you forget that he nearly strangled you earlier this week?" Dad asks me. "I was in complete control of that situation," I lie. I almost died and to make matters worse. I can't heal the marks on my neck. They hurt still and I am going through my makeup really fast right now. "You are f*****g crazy. Definitely Ashley's spawn," he looks between us. "He wasn't in a meat suit. This one is," I point at Ash. "I wonder if we can put demons in the robots," Lucien says looking over at my lab. "That would be f*****g cool," Dad points at him. "Okay, we went off-topic. Are you going to be chill and try Stacy's new invention? B.B.'s Sleepy Time Indoor indica and watch Rick And Morty with us or do you want to be lame and get the f**k out of my house?" I ask David. "She really named it B.S.T.I.I. Bestie. How cute is that? I just got it. I'm taking her with me to my appointment with Tecia. She deserves that," "That is cute," Lucien agrees. "I love that she made it with the intent to make you sleepy because you have trouble sleeping," Mom smiles. "That's a very productive level of creepiness," "Creepy and Eerie," I nod. "Espinosa going once," "I want to try it. I haven't slept in a while," he shrugs. "Yes, I hope this s**t scares the hell out of you guys. She said Johnny started crying and then he fell asleep," I laugh turning back to my gold box. "She only grew two plants and said if I wanted more I'd have to wait for her guy to give her the okay,"
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