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ALEX POV An unexpected wave of chestnut hair brushed against me, and I found myself staring into mesmerizing green eyes wide with shock. It was her, the girl from the cafeteria! The urge to unravel the mystery of this petite prey, to run my fingers through her hair, tilt her chin up, and kiss her full lips was almost unbearable. Amusement surged through me in mere moments as I attempted to quiet Leo's impulses in my mind and gather my thoughts to concoct a witty remark, but she was already gone, darting away in less than two seconds. Disappointment and bitterness left a bitter taste in my mouth as I made my way to botany class. Max was waiting for me in one of the back rows "Dude, what's up? Why are you grinning from ear to ear?" he teased. Damn, I hadn't even realized. Regaining my composure, I tried to play it cool. "Because I saw you, Tinkerbell." He chuckled at my jest. "Sure, sure, nothing to do with any girl, right?" Am I so easy to read? I scoffed and attempted to steer the conversation elsewhere, to pack stuff, but then I spotted her, there just for me, seated in botany class. Smiling at my stroke of luck, I approached her. "Keep it cool," Leo told me "Let's try to make her laugh, lighten the mood, tease her." . Well, that’s weird, my wolf is never interested in flirting with the opposite s*x. Wrong move. She blushed slightly under my gaze, a reaction that both intrigued and amused me. But as soon as I spoke, her demeanor shifted, and she regarded me with a disdainful tilt of her head, rolling her eyes before firing back with bitter nonsense. Unbelievable. While I'm accustomed to flirting and exchanging lustful glances, no one has ever dared to challenge me so directly. This tiny human was daring to defy me. I sensed that I was affecting her on some level, but certainly not in the way I had intended. My wolf was going nuts, itching to assert dominance and put the girl in her place. It took all my strength to prevent him from taking control completely. He growled, radiating alpha energy, but she didn't flinch, continuing on her path as if she were impervious to his presence. How was that possible? She smelled human; ordinarily, humans are intimidated by his aura. Could she be something else? She took a seat by the window, deliberately distancing herself from me, engrossed in text messages on her iPhone, it bothers me even more. Who was she texting? Goddess, why am I cling to her? “Dude, take it easy, your jealousy is throughout the room! take a seat, Take a breathe, or you’re going to scare the sh*t out of her” Max’s voice echoed in my mind, snapping me back to reality. With an angry glare, I begrudgingly sank into the seat beside him, huffing and puffing with frustration. Thankfully, the professor's arrival momentarily diffused the tension in the room, but my thoughts remained fixated elsewhere—or rather, on someone else. "She deserves punishment. Apologies or a spank," Leo asserted in my mind, painting vivid images of the ways in which he desired to carry out that punishment. "Holy sh*t," I cursed inwardly. My hands tingled with anticipation at the thought of the retribution I could mete out, a retribution that would appease both of us. "But we can't. She's human, and she's not our mate. Right?" Leo's annoyance surged, and he growled in response, his impatience palpable. Lost in my internal debate, I scarcely noticed the end of the class period. It wasn't until a commotion erupted and Max mindlinked me that I snapped back to reality; one of our she-wolves was in a confrontation with a human student. "Who, Max?" I growled in response. "Just imagine," his annoyance was evident in his tone. Harmony found herself embroiled in a fiery exchange with the sassy green-eyed girl, their confrontation intensifying in the bustling hallway. While one raised her voice, the other calmly volleyed back, seemingly oblivious to the looming danger. Leo could sense the primal energy emanating from Harmony; her wolf was dangerously close to the surface, ready to erupt at any moment. It was a matter of mere seconds before she would unleash her claws in the midst of the college. Insane, reckless fool. When Harmony declared her claim on me, I reached my breaking point. I had to intervene, projecting my aura onto her, also testing to see if the girl with the green eyes was truly immune. To my surprise, she was. Harmony quickly submitted, bowing and baring her neck, while the girl with green eyes swiftly fled once more. "Let's track her down," Leo urged, eager to assert dominance “I’m tired of this “ "We need to address Harmony's behaviour first," I remind him and he grumbled back, begrudgingly conceding to my judgment. Max stood beside me, his disappointment evident in his expression. Harmony and Brittany had jeopardized our secrecy by instigating a public altercation. With a shared glance, we ushered both girls into the nearest spare room, thoroughly annoyed by their reckless behaviour. "Alex, I am sorry, but—" "It’s Alpha for you!" Max growled immediately, and I raised a hand to stop him. I was going to make it crystal clear where she stood within my life and the pack. "Harmony, can you explain the commotion in the hallway and why you were claiming me?" I demanded frowning. She trembled, clearly fearing Max's reaction, but she composed herself briefly and met my gaze. "You and I have something special, a connection. I know we're not mates, but I will choose you forever, Alex. You are my chosen mate, and she was clearly flirting with you! I can’t help but love you, Alex! She is—" Utterly delusional. I regretted ever getting involved with her. Did she truly believe I would choose her over my fated mate? "It’s ALPHA for you, and there's a massive misunderstanding that needs addressing!" I boomed with my alpha voice. "I'll say this once more, and you better understand it clearly because I won't repeat myself again. Got it?" She nodded looking to the floor. "Good.” At least she is listening now ” You are not my chosen mate, and you never will be. You'll never be Luna; you'll never be anything to me except an easy fling. You spread your legs when I ask, and then you leave. Understood?" Her expression darkened, tears welling in her eyes. "And you will never raise your voice at a human, no matter the provocation. You know the consequences; if you lose control in front of them, our entire existence is at risk." "I would never risk our world! I just lost control when I saw her flirting with you in the hallway, Alpha!" she protested. "And she disrespected me this morning! She called me a b*tch with fake boobs and no brain!" "I agree." "You see! I had to assert myself!" "No, Harmony, I agree with her. You are exactly what she called you. It's better you face the truth. You have no authority to assert over anyone. You're nothing more than an omega with a lax attitude. That's it," I stated firmly. "Max will determine your punishment." The she-wolf paled, her face drained of blood in an instant. Her trembling lips and watery eyes stirred a twinge of pity within me, but I couldn't allow her reckless behaviour to imperil our world. Nonsensical possessiveness and jealousy posed too great a risk. It was time to put an end to our “whatever was” and ensure she learned a lesson. With a steely gaze, I turned my attention to her friend, the inconsistent she-wolf who blindly followed her every move. "Brittany, since you were there and didn’t intervene, you'll be punished as well. Max, ensure they never forget their place." The she-wolves paled, understanding the gravity of my words, and I left the room without another word. My Beta was more than capable of handling the aftermath.
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