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ALEX POV On Sunday afternoon, Max and I set off for Wildwood College in my black SUV. Although it's a short distance, about 45 minutes from our lands, and we could easily commute daily, we opted to move into an apartment within the college premises for the year. This decision grants us more freedom and time for ourselves. Given that Dad funds part of the university programs and various scholarships, my classmates and I enjoy some small privileges. Among them are soundproof walls and no curfew, a luxury considering that other students must abide by a midnight curfew. Upon arrival, the human receptionist guided us to our new accommodation: a freshly renovated apartment with two bedrooms, each with its own ensuite bathroom, a cozy kitchen, dining area, and a private elevator providing direct access to the gym. After settling in and freshening up, I mindlinked some guys, future alphas and warriors, about meeting up. "Guys, coffee shop, 10 minutes, dinner." Confident that the message was received, we made our way to the common room. Just across the hall, we bumped into Luke and Josh, Gammas, and strolled in with our usual swagger. Instantly, all eyes turned towards us. Humans can't resist our charm; everyone seems to yearn to be a good, submissive girl and cater to us, like bees drawn to honey. It’s ingrained in our werewolf DNA—the allure of the damned, the irresistible mix of desire and danger that makes them all fall at our feet in less than ten minutes. "The same old bookworm faces," I reflected, glancing across the room, longing for a new face, someone new and intriguing among incoming students, maybe someone to have some fun with. "No new girls," Max remarked, echoing my thoughts. "I would say no," I reply, continuing to look around.. "Wait, the brunette over there," suddenly interrupted Max. "Hm?" And then I saw her. Her emerald eyes trapped mine; in an instant, I found myself unable to look away. Long brown strands flowed down her back in a beautifully messy braid, framing her heart-shaped face and plush pink lips. It exuded an aura of absolute charm and grace. "I think you’re right. She looks nice," I said, unable to break the spell she seemed to have cast. Still, I played cool; after all, Max would definitely tease me mercilessly if he could sense my sudden capture. My appetite waned as his presence dominated the room. Strolling casually through the cafeteria, I took in the various scents surrounding me. Despite the unmistakable human aroma emanating from her, she sat comfortably among some Omegas from our pack. An unspoken question lingered between me and my wolf: why? "Why is she with our pack members, and why can't I see anything else?" I muttered to myself. Max, catching my drift, shot me a knowing glance, his expression a blend of amusement and bemusement. "Bro, you're drooling over her," he chortled, his laughter bordering on hysterical as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about," I retorted with a growl, though the heat rising to my cheeks betrayed my facade of indifference. Max raised his hands in surrender, a wide grin etched onto his face. F**k he knows how to read me too well. I tried to ignore her presence and the whole awkward situation, redirecting my attention to the organization of our week ahead, while the ohter were focusinfg on dinner. I urgently needed to shift my thoughts to something else. With determination, I planned outdoor training sessions every morning, making sure they lasted at least two hours before the start of our lessons. These would be followed by indoor gym sessions and sparring in the evening. As werewolves, it was essential to spend our excess energy to keep calm, especially because we will have to spend many hours a day in class or study, then indoors. Exercise is for us a vital tool for both mental and physical well-being, ensuring our responsiveness to potential threats or combat scenarios. So, it is a mandatory aspect of our daily routine. Getting nods from everyone, we brought the conversation to a more engaging topic. "I heard someone found his mate," I chuckled, shooting Josh a playful look. Blushing slightly, he responded with pride, "Yes, Alpha, I found her during summer break while visiting my grandmother in Atlanta. She's from Alpha Stevenson's pack." Excited voices filled the room, and we all leaned in, eager to hear more. Every werewolf dreams of finding their mate, the other half chosen by the Moon Goddess. At 18, we're gifted with the ability to scent our mate—a unique fragrance, pull, sparks, and tingles that every wolf longs for. While some find their perfect match within their birth pack, others, like myself, may have to venture into other packs. Regardless, the mate bond is sacred and unbreakable, with rejection being rare, painful, and shameful for both parties. Some are fortunate to meet their mate immediately, while others, like me, may have to wait months or even years. Fate and the Goddess often test us, leading us down winding paths, long or short. "I'm genuinely happy for you, my friend, and a bit envious too. I can’t wait to meet mine," I confessed. As the future Alpha, my mate would play a pivotal role, serving as my Luna and the mother of our heirs. I prayed silently that the Goddess had chosen wisely for the pack's prosperity and my own happiness. Attempting to pull myself out of my reverie, I pressed Josh further. "And how do you manage to stay away from her? When a werewolf finds their mate, it's nearly impossible to be apart for long," I observed, taking a sip of my drink. "It's tough, no doubt about it. But she’s moving in at the end of next week. Alpha Stevenson is coordinating with your father to ensure everything goes smoothly and allow her to join us," explained Josh, his expression serene and hopeful, a dreamy smile lingering on his lips. The anticipation of experiencing the mate bond was almost overwhelming. Lost in our daydreams, we raised our glasses in unison, offering a toast to Josh and his mate, wishing them a swift reunion and the completion of the marking and mating process. Despite being trying to focus on the celebration, my gaze kept drifting back to the girl with the green eyes, and every now and then, I stole glances at her sideways, hoping not to be caught by my drinking buddies. As Max and I navigated the bustling hallway back to our apartment, an all-too-familiar and piercing chorus pierced through the noise. Harmony and Brittany were making their grand entrance to the college, shamelessly throwing themselves at us, as was their typical modus operandi. "Hey, guys! We've missed you! What a delightful surprise to run into you as soon as we enter the building," Harmony flirted, her exaggerated batting of eyelashes and chest thrust forward leaving little to the imagination. Meanwhile, Brittany remained her usual silent self, casting big doe eyes in Max's direction. Just what we needed. Now it seems we won't be able to shake them off. Alphas and betas are always in high demand among the ladies, and these two were no exception. Especially Harmony, who seemed to have an inexplicable possessiveness towards me. Despite my repeated attempts to clarify that our encounters were merely casual, she just didn't seem to get the message. "Hi, girls. I didn't realize you were joining us here this year. Why didn't you mention it, Harmony?" I replied dryly, while Max couldn't help but roll his eyes. "My Alpha, even an hour away from you feels like an eternity to my heart. So, I wanted to surprise you and decided to enroll here," Harmony cooed, her flirtatious antics in full swing as she continued to bat her eyelashes and pout for effect. For the love of the Goddess. "See you later," Max interjected, swiftly ushering us towards our escape route, and finally, we managed to shake them off. "Jeez, thanks dude, she's way too clingy for my liking. I need to put an end to our little 'fun times'," I remarked. "Yes, you do. I'm tired of saving your ass from her claws," Max quipped, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his choice of words. Back in our room, I discarded my clothes and slid into bed. But try as I might to drift off to sleep, my mind kept circling back to that girl. Those mesmerizing green eyes continued to haunt me, leaving me tossing and turning frustratingly throughout the night.
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