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THIRD PERSON POV Marco paced back and forth in his father's office, his mind swirling with frustration and anger. Just days after Alice's departure, he received a call from a pack in Georgia—a pack she had no business being involved with. She was supposed to be attending a chef academy or something similar, not getting entangled with other alphas. "Father, she is mine. I want her back," Marco declared, his voice dripping with possessiveness. But his father, Alpha Dante of the Montalbano Pack, wasn't having it. "Just tell me, how did you mess it up? Wasn't she your damn girlfriend? How did you screw it up in just two weeks?" Dante's voice thundered in the room, his frustration palpable. "She was under our control. We could have had the entire magical world at our fingertips, thanks to her powers! And you ruined it all for a fling with an omega." Dante seethed with anger, the opportunity slipping through their fingers because of his son's recklessness. Marco clenched his fists, his jaw tight with frustration. "It was just a fling, Father, and she wasn’t supposed to find it out! Alice is more than that to me. She's... she's my mate." Dante's expression darkened, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Mate or not, Marco, you've jeopardized everything we've been working towards in the last 5 years. Do you realize the consequences of your actions?" "I know, Father," Marco replied, his voice heavy with anger. " I shouldn’t have let her leave after the party. I should have taken her back here in the pack. And I'll do whatever it takes to get her back." Dante's lips curled into a cruel smile. "We'll have to tread carefully from now on. If other alphas have taken an interest in her, it means they’ll discover the truth soon. We can't afford any missteps." "I understand," Marco nodded, a dark determination flickering in his eyes. "I'll find her, Father. And I'll make things right." Dante regarded his son with a mixture of cold calculation and pride. "You'd better, Marco." Alpha Dante slammed his fist down on the desk, his expression darkening with fury. With calculated menace, he picked up the phone and dialed the number for the pack in Georgia, his voice dripping with menace as he demanded immediate answers. "This is Alpha Dante of the Montalbano Pack," he growled into the receiver, his tone icy and commanding while he spoke to the Alpha on the other end of the line "someone from your pack called asking information about a human, Alice Jade Greenie. I want to know why. She’s my son’s mate.” “Good evening Alpha, I’m Alpha Brandon. Actually, all of this sounds new to me. I’ll ask my Beta and come back to you. Can you give me more details about that human?” the other Alpha was taking time, enraging Dante even more. “She was supposed to attend a chef academy somewhere else in the US, and come back in 6 months to be our future luna. I want Alice returned to my son, unharmed and in a week. Failure to comply will result in dire consequences." Threats were one of his special abilities, Dante was more similar to a mafia boss rather than a werewolf alpha. His pack’s main business was laundering dirty money, his connection with human corrupted politicians and criminals was well known in Italy. Someone nobody wanted to mess with. These Americans would have learned it soon. As Dante issued his threats, Marco wasted no time. With trembling fingers, he pulled up flight options on his laptop, his eyes scanning the screen with determination. Each click of the mouse was filled with urgency as he selected the earliest flight to Georgia, his mind consumed with thoughts of reclaiming Alice. The tension in the room was palpable as father and son worked in tandem, one issuing demands with authority while the other made preparations for their impending journey. The air crackled with anticipation as they moved with single-minded focus, driven by their insatiable hunger for power. Marco's mind raced with thoughts of Alice—her scent, her touch, her presence. She was the only thing that mattered to him now, the only thing worth fighting for. He couldn't bear the thought of her in the hands of another alpha, her fate uncertain. With each passing moment, his desperation grew, fueling his determination to bring her back home where she belonged. Meanwhile, Dante's thoughts were consumed by the implications of their situation. If other alphas were involved, it meant their carefully laid plans were at risk of unraveling. He couldn't afford any more setbacks, not when they were so close to achieving their ultimate goal. The fate of their pack hung in the balance, and he would stop at nothing to ensure their success. As Marco finalized his travel arrangements, Dante's phone call reached its climax. With a final warning delivered in a voice laced with menace, he ended the call, a grim satisfaction settling over him. The stage was set, their plans in motion. Now, all they could do was wait—and hope that their efforts would be enough to reclaim what was rightfully theirs. With a silent nod exchanged between them, Marco gathered his belongings and headed for the door, his mind focused on the task ahead. He was ready to face whatever challenges awaited him in Georgia, ready to fight for Alice by any lawful or unlawful means. And with his father's unwavering support behind him, he knew that together, they would do whatever it took to bring her home and accomplish his future. The echo of heated voices emanated from Dante's office, barely filtering through the closed door. As Ilaria walked down the hallway of the pack house, she came to an abrupt halt, seized by a sense of unease. That tone... It didn't sound like an ordinary conversation between father and son. With her heart pounding, she approached the door, straining to catch every word. As the meaning of the conversation settled in her mind, she paled, blood draining from her face completely. The thought of Alice being involved in some kind of trouble deeply worried her. Ilaria had always been secretive about her personal life, but now it seemed like her secrets needed to be uncovered, and she felt the irresistible urge to rush and warn her. Alice deserved to know the truth about Marco. Without a second thought, she turned on her heel and bolted towards the exit, navigating through the pack house with difficulty as adrenaline surged through her veins. With every step she took, she felt the urgency to reach Alice’s family growing inside her. She burst out into the cool forest air, the sunlight filtering through the tree branches as Ilaria forged a path through them, running desperately through the dense woods. The roots of the trees whispered beneath her feet, but she kept pushing forward, driven by the need to reach the restaurant. It was almost dinner time, and hopefully, she’d find Alice’s dad in the kitchen of "Souls and Herbs". Time had come. As Ilaria sprinted through the forest, her mind raced with the gravity of the situation. Alice’s safety was at stake, and she needed to warn her before it was too late. With each stride, her determination grew, fueled by the urgency of the moment. Finally, she emerged from the trees and found herself at the edge of the clearing where "Souls and Herbs" stood, its warm lights beckoning in the gathering dusk. Without pausing to catch her breath, Ilaria sprinted towards the entrance, her heart pounding with anticipation. As she burst through the door, she was greeted by the familiar scent of herbs and spices, mingled with the tantalizing aroma of cooking food. Her eyes scanned the room frantically, searching for Alice’s dad among the bustling staff. And then, she saw him—a tall figure with a commanding presence, his sleeves rolled up as he worked behind the counter. With a surge of relief, Ilaria hurried towards him, her words tumbling out in a rush as she delivered the urgent news. “Mr. Greenie, I need to talk to you. It’s about Alice. There’s something you need to know.”
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