1059 Words

ALEX POV **WARNING s****l AND EXPLICIT CONTENT. IF YOU'RE NOT CONFORTABLE WITH KINKY AND SUB/DOM PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER. MATURE CONTENT 18+** My little honey bunny was watching me intensely, I commanded her to stay still while I began undress her, starting form her shoes. On my knees, I took her left foot, slowly unlacing the heel strap, I put a gentle kiss on her ankle, tracing circles with my tongue from the ankle to her thigh. Doing the same on her right one I raised my gaze, with eyes closed she was biting her swallowed bottom lip, trying to contain moans of pleasure. I tsked “hmmm, little bunny, you’re being naughty. And naughty bunnies need to be punished” She gulped, swallowing hard. “Why?” Keeping her eyes locked with mine, I huskily retorted, “Because I asked you to st

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