Chapter : Twenty

1110 Words

Elise's POV  Saturday finally came and Kai and myself were getting ready. I turned the shower on and stripped out of my clothes, making sure the shower was hot enough I finally got in and let the water softly hit my body. After twenty minutes, I was finally clean enough and got out wrapping a towel around my body and walking out of the body.  "Hey, you okay?" I asked Kai, looking over at him as he stared out of the long glass window. I walked over to him noticing that he didn't hear me as he stood there thinking to himself. I put my had on his n***d back softly running my fingers up and down his shoulder blade. They were so sharp, I was captivated by how sharp they were.  "Hey, Kai. Everything okay?" I asked him, a little more louder to catch his attention. A few seconds passed before h

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