Chapter : Six

830 Words
Elise's POV  I walked out of the tent to see Sophia waiting patiently for me with the biggest grin on her face, as soon as she saw me she jumped up and down in excitement.  "You were in there wayyyy longer than you should've have been, what happened?" She excitedly asked, still practically jumping up and down clapping her hands.  "Nothing happened, we just took picture and he signed a few autographs, which reminds me" I said, pulling one of the signed photos to give to her. It was definitely worth it by her face lighting up even more if that was even possible.  "No. You. Didn't. How on earth did you get him to sign this" She practically screamed, causing people to look our direction.  "It wasn't that hard, I just asked him" I told her, pulling out my phone unlocking it to be shocked by my home screen picture. He changed it to the both of us, which I didn't understand how since Alex would've had to print the pictures off first.. Maybe he just texted Alex to send it to his phone. Though we did look pretty cute together though. Elise, stop thinking the unthinkable things. I thought.  "Ahhh, you are the best" She screamed hugging me tightly, this time Kai came out of his tent and looked over at us, as soon as he saw both of us he smiled widely sending another wink my way. I hugged her back and smiled at her reaction, she was too cute and nice. A badass but cute and nice. I didn't notice that Kai walked over until I heard him talk to us.  "So you're Elise's best friend?" He asked Sophia, causing her to let go of me. I swear her cheeks must be hurting with all the smiling she has done.  "Yes" She could barely manage to get one word out so I just laughed at her reaction. Who wouldn't laugh? She shot me a glare before turning back around to face Kai with a smile again.  "Well it is nice to meet you..?" He said, asking for her name. "Sophia and it is very nice to meet you Mr. Knox" She said, the way she was so formal with him was slightly annoying.  "Please, call me Kai. I am Elise's new friend after all and we will be getting closer over the past few days since I asked Elise out on a date" He said, looking at me at the end with a grin on his stupid face. It took seconds for Sophia to look at me with the biggest grin on her face.  "Did you say yes?" She asked me, with her eyebrows raised.  "I said no" I told her honestly, which I immediately regretted saying, here comes the one sided argument. I was regretting it before I had even told her no. "You what?!" She yelled, yikes I didn't realise she was going to yell that loud.  "Jeez calm down, you know how much I dislike Mr billionaire Knox" I said to her, and technically to Kai since he was stood there.  "Why are you even trying to get me to go on a date with you anyway? Its not there aren't loads of other girls who would love to go on a date with you" I asked him, raising my eyebrows at him, curious as to why he asked me instead of the thousand other girls.  "Well, because you are the most girl that I have ever seen, you weren't like other girls as soon as you met me, plus you are the first girl to ever reject me and tell me you don't like me to my face. So I think it is safe to say that I really like you." He said, looking at me. The way he said that made my heart skip a beat.  Sophia looked me with puppy dog eyes, begging me to go on a date with him. It only took a matter of seconds before I agreed to go on this stupid date with him. "Fine, I will go on it but only because you asked me too, not because he asked." I said to her, I think I was deafened by her squealing and jumping up and down clapping her hands.  "Alright well, I will text you when and I will pick you up." He said to me, making Sophia go quiet and look between the both of us. "You already have my number and I already got yours beautiful" He finished, leaning down and kissed my cheek again. What was it with this man kissing me on the cheek.  "Right, we gotta go" I told him, pulling Sophia away with me, silently squealing to herself. I knew I was going to regret my life from this day forward.  "I cant wait for you to go on this date with him" She told me, linking her arm with mine as we walked to our dorm. 
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