Chapter : Nine

969 Words

Elise's POV  After I agreed to let Kai drive me to work, I was fine with the idea. It was nice of him to offer to drive me there and pick me up from work. It was only after an hour into my shift when he decided to come in and sit at the bar.  "Hey beautiful" He said, taking a seat on the stool.  "Kai, what you doing here?" I asked, pausing looking up at him "I thought you had business?" I finished off putting down the glass I was cleaning and putting all my attention on him.  "I finished dealing with it and decided to come see you" he said, smiling at me.  "Don't you have anything else to do?" I asked him, by this time everyone had began to look over because the famous Kai Knox was here.  "Nope, ill wait here for you" He told me, leaning over the counter to pour himself a drink until

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