Chapter : Seventeen

1096 Words

Elise's POV  Within ten minutes Kai finally came back with two plates of food, it looked and smelled absolutely delicious. I couldn't wait to dig in. It was like heaven as soon as I saw it, I felt like I was in heaven as soon as I saw it.  "God, this looks food looks amazing" I said to Kai as he put the plate in front of me on the table and took a seat in the chair next to me. We began to talk about loads of different things and spent the rest of the night laughing at each other.  I felt happy to be in his presence, happy to talk to someone who understands me better than anyone has before. Whenever we were alone, we still always had loads to talk about and it never once got awkward between us.  We finally finished our dinner and made our way to his bedroom. I was absolutely shattered a

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