Alpha Caleb

2281 Words
“Caleb!” Alpha Terrence called at his eldest son when I panicked and sweated. I finally dared to look up at the head Alpha standing tall and proud at the younger man approaching us. Broad shoulders and a pretentious smirk plastered over his handsome face that seemed as cold as his eyes were cunning, making him look like he was the moon goddess's gift to females. I almost immediately felt a slight searing pain in my chest, like something was wrong and right at the same time, following the attractive male Alpha walking proudly, knowing he was the better of us, the only other male in here that could take him down would be his own father, my uncle. He had dark brown hair styled perfectly and still looked natural, laid back on his head, and framed the sharp jawline, chin, and nose. His genes screamed Alpha; every unmarked female dreamed of him, making swooning noises as he passed them. Getting me upset. He didn't seem to care about them, reaching his father's side. I could not take my eyes off the arrogant young man. Dressed in a black suit. I had missed the dress code in this place; the only one in my family with black on was my mother, who had sneered at my cousin's arrival. She didn’t like him. He looked like his father, only younger, with the same hard stare that wasn’t afraid of anything. I lowered my eyes quickly before he met mine, scared to even look at him... Goddess, he was the most handsome person I have ever seen, even if he had a stern look on his attractive face, making me wonder what he would look like with a smile. I shook my head, praying he didn’t see me gawking. He was higher in rank, so much higher, and he was my cousin! I had no place to look at him with my eyes like I did, longing and stupid like every other female around here... I heard the snarl before seeing him studying me from head to toe, scoffing over my dress like he hated it, same as me, maybe even more... The hideous fabric made me look like a silly little girl. Well, at least Mother got one part right. I was a stupid girl for even thinking I could admire the head Alpha's son; he was off-limits in every way! I don't know where I got the courage, but I blinked and looked into his eyes. They were dark grey and charcoal. I felt something burning inside me, making the pain that came over me even more antagonizing, a thousand sparks lighting up inside me. I gasped as his eyes stared back into mine; sparks of yellow lit up when we just gawked, not saying a word, too caught up in whatever was happening between us. He seemed just as confused as me as I couldn’t get a word out of greeting or even be able to bend my head as I was supposed to when the yellow sparks disappeared. Leaving only darkness consuming his eyes. I turned my head away as he showed total contempt for me. I was nothing in his world; it felt like something had shattered inside me the moment I saw him. My chest was burning, my skin was tingling, and my heart was slamming against my chest, making me take deep breaths, trying not to pass out in front of the head and his heir. “Father, why did you call me over because of these… Deltas?” I shivered without being able to hide it. Hearing the dark, grumbling voice made me want to… do something, like his voice was calling me, pulling me in without even realizing it as he looked accusingly at his father. Alpha Terrence chuckled at his son's scornful words that burned painfully in me where I stood with my head still bent down submissive. He wasn’t wrong. We were Deltas, not that most people of higher rank would say it straight to our faces as my condescending cousin did. He did not seem to respect anyone but himself, that arrogant bastard. I suddenly wanted to hit him square in the jaw, making his handsome face bruise. I was a Delta, and I was proud of it! “Calm down, son; this is our family, your aunt, uncle, and cousin Emilia.” Alpha Terrence pointed at me, making my cheeks burn even more when I knew he was looking at me again, the Alpha's son, the heir with his hard eyes that had nothing but hate in them. The solid, forceful stare that would burn a hole inside my head if he didn't stop! I just held my breath and refused to look up again, afraid he would see my anger and punish my parents and me for not respecting the higher ranks if meeting his eyes again. I didn't want to be humiliated more than I had become by his stern, dark voice. I was almost close to tears; if I had not been too proud, I would have already cried loudly in front of them, anger and fear drowning my other emotions. The pain in my chest kept burning; I could barely inhale without feeling the agony in my shallow breaths, more uncomfortable than I was in front of our pack king and heir; this was the worst day of my life, staring at the ground. Alpha Caleb said nothing in response, just grunting from his muscular chest like he was standing there before us, which was the worst thing he had ever been through. This made me tremble with the irritation that rushed again from nowhere. How dared he, my mother and father?! We may not have been Alpha, but we deserved the same respect as anyone else in this pack. We did our part, and we didn’t complain. Was not that what was expected of us?! I looked up at him defiantly, complaining with his whole face, a scowl upon his handsome appearance, standing with his arms crossed against his big torso, looking at me with scornful eyes like I was the one to blame for all the problems in his world suddenly. I still examined him back, not caring anymore that I was rebellious before his eyes switched to my awful blue ribbon dress. He might have been the most attractive guy I had ever seen, but I did not deserve whatever hate he had in his eyes. We were strangers! “Fine, let’s get this over with. I have other priorities..." Alpha Caleb didn’t even recognize us with his words, that bastard! The burning was killing me now, and Mother, who usually noticed everything, didn't. She smiled more sinisterly against my obviously bored cousin, Caleb. I spat his name in my mind. I hated him back! I hoped I would never have to see him again after this stupid wedding party! The Alpha heir didn’t even have the courtesy to respond. He just smiled those vicious lips I was trying so hard not to stare at as I finally took the courage to look at his face again. Alpha Caleb was a remarkable sight. I hated him with every heartbeat that hammered against my chest, but he was still the sexiest guy I had ever seen. I was supposed to act better than this! He must have seen me because the scowl turned into a smirk when his father wasn’t looking our way, making his handsome face even more attractive to the agony of me wanting to stare at it some more, unable to look away even if I wanted to. “So pleased to finally see the future head again. What has it been, dear brother, since I was cast aside almost 18 years ago?” My mother ignored my cousin as much as he ignored me. I was so damn proud of her for fighting back suddenly. She was indeed an Alpha born to lead and not follow, unlike my father and me, who, more or less, did anything the higher ranks asked of us; there was no other way. “Aunt Rosalie… how interesting; at least you are not as boring as your daughter, unable to speak in my presence. Did you raise a daughter or a mouse?” Caleb looked at me again, and his father laughed forcefully and loudly, making everyone stare again; this was bad. Moon goddess, I would like to rip that smirk off his stunning face right now… I leaned forward without knowing, and the pain got… better? I looked confused as I stared shamelessly at him, our future head Alpha, merciless and rude, like his father! Why did it feel better? I looked terrified, and the Alphas probably thought I feared them. I did, without a doubt, especially my uncle, whose eyes looked at me hungry, and not in a good way, but Alpha Caleb… I don’t know, but I was not scared of him even if he was at least two heads taller than me. “Don’t you dare speak about my daughter, Alpha!” Mother sneered as my father stepped in, fearing our well-being, and placed his hand upon her arm, knowing she could take him out any second, even if she was female and slightly taller. “Relax, dear, Alpha Caleb was only stating the obvious: our daughter is a goodhearted child with no temper. I prefer a mouse over a lion any day”. I looked at my father’s apologizing face, but the pleading was directed at me, and I was hurt by his words. My father was a true Delta by nature, not trying to rock the boat as my mother did without thinking twice. Alpha Caleb smiled like the superior prick he was, and Alpha Terrence was no better. They knew they were in charge, and we could do nothing about it, not even Mother. “Well, at least my niece knows how to stay quiet... She didn’t get that from you, dear sister.” the head Alpha smiled and examined me again, making me realize that I was standing closer to Alpha Caleb, not even aware of how it had happened? I saw for the slightest second that he already knew, and he did nothing to make me step back. I flinched when my uncle saw it and corrected myself, making the pain in my chest feel unbearable again as I almost whimpered from the intense feeling of something being wrong. “You were always a brat, Terrence; that hasn't changed these last twenty years...” Mother had a sly smile on her beautiful face, riding the head of Alpha, her younger brother. My mother clearly knew how to make him angry! “One more word from your mouth, Rosalie, and I will send you all away, not from the party, but from the pack!” I swallowed the bile, trying to come up through my mouth; the head Alpha's stern face and hostile posture showed us he was serious. I swear I saw Caleb's face get anxious for two seconds before looking like he didn’t have a single feeling on the inside except for contempt against my family and me. Mother looked at Alpha Terrence, challenging; she was just as furious as he was. I didn’t realize I had held my breath before she backed down and bowed unwillingly. My father relaxed, scared to death, standing before the two bigger Alpha males. “Mother, please, may I leave now?!” I was begging her, standing tall against her younger brother. I would have been proud of her if not for the pain in my chest burning a hole through me, maybe even through this awful dress I was wearing! My mother glanced at the head Alpha. I knew she hated every second of it, listening to his decision as he nodded ahead at her, obviously amused by how I cowered under him and his son's scrutinizing identical eyes that made me want to puke my guts out. “Go.” Her eyes did not leave her brother's. I nodded fast and did not try to hide how the stupid, arrogant Alpha in front of me made me want to punch his lights out, only to see the laughter in the dark eyes, challenging me back like he knew something. I didn’t, and it scared the crap out of me as I finally stumbled away from my family, who were behind me, as I bowed my head slightly again and tried not to look around as I started to walk without knowing why it began to hurt me. My chest was burning when I was stumbling some more, wanting to get away from people who were precisely everywhere. I just wanted to die, crushed by having to take steps away from the horrible guy who certainly would not even remember me before the evening was over. I hurried, looked towards the restrooms, quickly entered a booth, and slammed the door. When I sat down and saw my hands, I was shaking. Something was wrong. I knew it; I was sweating more and itching all over me. I wanted to tear off everything I was wearing! I ripped off the ruffle my mother had sewn on, got up again, stumbled to the sink, and looked at myself in the mirror; my eyes had started changing. They were no longer blue but had a light golden green color that threatened to take over all over me. I gasped at the sink, red everywhere, like a bad sunburn. I had to get out; whatever happened, I needed to leave!
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