The Corridor

1648 Words
Caleb dragged me behind a concealed door, and we quickly disappeared from the crowded ball lobby. He made me nervous, more than when I was naked in the woods; he wasn’t angry then! I was still having a buzz from the alcohol, doing a small shriek, when he stopped suddenly, and before I knew it, he pushed me up against the wall behind us. I gasped in shock at having him so close, staring into the deep pools of charcoal. He accused me of talking to another man like he didn't have a girlfriend, still waiting for him to return to her! My heartbeat was so fast that I could not even breathe. I could push upward and kiss him, feeling his hot breath on mine. His eyes, sparkling yellow, followed my lips for a few seconds before he released me from the wall and cursed loudly. I was confused; did he want to kiss me or not? I was huffing as he turned around and looked at me, hurt like I even asked him that question. “Of course, I want to f*****g kiss you! every second I can’t touch you, I feel like I’m burning up!” He was shaking lightly, the same as me. I felt the pain in my chest tearing up again, and I looked at him hopelessly. Was this all I would get from him? A conversation in the dark and almost a kiss… I examined him mockingly. He was an Alpha, and he should behave like one! “You are brave in the dark, Emilia….” He looked almost apathetic at me, still holding and grasping my arms with his big hands. I had forgotten he could hear me and chewed on my bottom lip. I hated every second of this; it killed me to see him being so close, not giving in to what I wanted: a mark. “Is that what you want? I will mark you immediately and drag you out so everyone can see you, know that you are mine….” Caleb said the words longingly, stroking his thumbs over my arms, giving me goosebumps from the tingles between us. “I want you.” I just said what came up in my head; I didn't want to stop feeling as good as it did just from him stroking a small part of my body. I wanted more. All his weight was on me even though I was standing upright; having him lean on me was the best feeling in the world, like nothing I had ever experienced! He ran his fingers over my face, making the sparks fly everywhere between us, finally kissing me softly. I opened my eyes and drew my arms around his neck, capturing him with me in the dark corridor. I had stopped breathing from the shocks from him touching me, moaning again, which drove him crazier as his kiss deepened. I gave in to it and said yes several times in my head. His tongue mixed with mine, and the fingertips made their way down to my waist. I shivered at where I wanted them to be, making him growl with frustration, hearing every forbidden thought going through my mind. I had never felt anything like this when he finally gave me air again. Staring at me with yellow eyes, his wolf took over him, whether he liked it or not. “Don't tempt me, Emilia, I don’t have to do more than put my mouth down to your pretty neck and bite you….” his voice was strained as I bent my neck open for his jaw, struggling not to give in to his wolf still pushing through, this is why it was dangerous to be close, I had no resistance, I wanted it just as much as him! “Do it…. please, Alpha….” I was pleading as I pushed harder against his body, which was still leaning against mine. His weight was intoxicating, and I didn't know how to get off all his clothes fast enough. His hands caressed me down my stomach and waist, and low growls made me warmer, ready for him to be more wolf than a human as he looked down at my neck with intense yellow. Holding onto the dark suit, I gasped more when he kissed me greedily on the spot where the mark would be. I tilted my head back and moaned eagerly as his tongue rolled over the spot, which gave me more pleasure than I could have imagined that I would feel all my life when he stopped as he realized what he was doing. He was about to mark me. "f**k, that was so close... shit..." He was panting like I was when disappointed that he didn't do it. What was stopping him anyway? He didn't care that we were cousins; he told me that, and I didn't see any other reason for him not to push his fangs inside my neck and make me his official mate. “We need a plan or something like that….” His voice was darker now. He hated this too; it went against everything our bodies told us, our senses linked to each other; it was torture to feel your mate's pain while your own was clawing in your chest, making everything a thousand times more awful. “A plan?!” I probably sounded disapproving because he stopped, pulled me away from him, and looked at me with his dark grey secret eyes, smiling, entertained that I was so critical of what he said. The girl who had come here had not even risked breathing in his presence, let alone be critical. “Oh, my Luna…” Caleb was whispering, amused, stroking his hands over my naked back, giving me tingles. I couldn’t help but smile at his way of saying Luna to me like it was true, and I had begun to accept it no matter how strange it was. "Do you even know what you are asking for? It's not just a mark on your neck; it's a new life, responsibility, and my seed in your belly..." His last words made my mouth dry; I know it was supposed to scare me to back off, but it didn't. Did he think that I didn't want to have his children? I loved him more than anything! “But I want that; I want to have your children, Alpha!” I was so embarrassed. I didn't know if I was still drunk or if it just was Caleb's effect on me, making me say whatever was coming over my mind, panting at the redness over my cheeks and ashamed eyes. “I know, one thing at a time, Luna.” His voice trembling like he wanted to start at once. We stared at the other one in the dark hallway. I smiled, amused that he considered if he should go ahead and pull up my dress and take me right now, making sure that his genes were passed on without even thinking twice about it. “So, we should go out and not pretend to know each other, be cousins who can’t stand to be in the same room?” I wasn't happy seeing his mocking smile back like that would be funny; it wasn't, not when I was his mate and couldn't even be close to him in public. “Not with that scent...” Caleb smirked more when I felt it. I had his scent all over me. Anyone could smell it from miles away that he had touched me, licked me, kissed me, and loved every second of it. “Maybe I want to go outside smelling like you...” I looked at him defiantly now, and he chuckled and offered the door. He didn’t even believe my bluff for a second. I wasn't ready for the enormous pressure and accusations that would come with me coming out and smelling of him; everyone could feel that his scent was one of the stronger ones of his Alpha blood. We stood perfectly still, holding each other, strangers in the dark corridor, hopelessly in love. At the same time, people laughed and socialized on the other side of the wall. I hated everything about this, everything. “Stay with me, please.” I leaned against his chest and closed my eyes; everything else was crazy. His heart beat calmly against me. I felt happy; that was all I needed. I never wanted to leave him again; if I did, my heart would break and become dust in my chest. “Follow me.” He just said that, and I did as he let go of me and held my hand soft and tenderly when we walked in the dark corridors with the low ceilings lighting and spiral stairs leading up to places I had no clue about. Caleb started to go up one of the narrow stairs quickly, making me stumble when he pulled me up as he had already felt I was about to fall. I smiled, embarrassed at how he had just caught me like it was the easiest thing in the world for him. “I’ll catch you, Luna; it’s my place to die for you if I have to.” When I coughed about how serious he was still pushing us forward the dark stairway, I tried to control my breathing, hearing him say such a thing to me like it was natural and not insane and scary. “Don’t die,” I answered the words aloud. Caleb flinched as we were almost at the top, and we stopped at the door leading us outside again. "Never." he smiled more confidently, taking my hand and kissing it reassuringly with his dark eyes on mine before opening the door and leading us out from the dark corridor.
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