There was still tension in his shoulders, but he didn’t make any move to get off the bed, so I pretended everything was jake. “Deals like this have to be made in person. I took the Twentieth Century Limited to Chicago and then the Golden State Limited out to Los Angeles, and brother, did I have to spin Dave some story! I told him if he wanted me to make his romance, I was nixing the back lot. It would have to be on the location I chose. I thought he was going to blow a gasket—we’re talking a lot of dough here, kid. Me and my cameraman, some beaters and bearers…we don’t cost much, because mostly we know how to rough it. But you want romance and you have to bring in wardrobe, makeup, starlets. He finally agreed.” “That was good, wasn’t it?” “You’d think, wouldn’t you? But Dave wouldn’t le