Chapter Four

1896 Words
Chapter Four Jake’s Point of View   Fuck, why did I stop massaging her feet, or more to the point why did I start? now she has disappeared, because I have gone weird on her. I turn off the film and lock up, heading up to bed kicking myself for being so damn stupid. Climbing into bed, I pull out a sock, and get myself some light relief, as I remember her amazing cleavage as she bent over, her legs on my lap, the soft moans she made as I rubbed her gorgeous feet… yes even her f*****g feet are sexy! Fuck, do I have a foot fetish now… never really thought much about feet, but the thought of sucking her toes, is what brought the explosive relief straight into my sock. Best wash that one myself! I throw it on top of my wardrobe. I have been tossing and turning trying to sleep for hours now, when I hear someone softly walking down the stairs, I take a look at the clock, and it is 01:20am. Guess Molly’s body thinks it is lunchtime. I dive out of bed and make my way downstairs.  Hey, got to make the most of my time with her! “Hey Molly, you hungry?” Fuck she looks so damn sexy right now, in a black tight vest top with pink PJ bottoms. “Yeah, guess it is time for lunch” she giggled. “Sit down, I will make you a sandwich” “I could get used to this” she winked at me. Oh… f**k Molly is driving me crazy, because I would love for her to get used to this! “Ham and mayo, my speciality coming right up” I place the sandwich on a plate, and hand it to her, as she took it from me our fingers slightly touched, and I felt something a little like a spark fly up my arm. “So… what are you doing tomorrow, Jakey baby” she grinned at me “I need to head into Swan hill for a few hours, going to check in with Karl at the vets, maybe grab some lunch, then probably help Dad herding some cattle in the afternoon, what about you?” “Not sure yet, given there are no bikes here, I am at a loss” Molly giggled “If you want to come to Swan hill with me your more than welcome”  f**k, say yes, say f*****g yes “Okay, if you don’t mind me tagging along. I will buy the lunch” she smiled She said f*****g yes, get in! “Deal” I smiled, as if it was no big deal “So… when do you go back to Sydney?” Molly asked, her big blue eyes making me melt into a pool of f*****g mush. “Monday, I don’t have any lectures till Tuesday” I smiled. “Oh why is that? I thought you would be mad busy” she grinned at me “I am on the advanced program, and this Monday is all stuff I learnt with Karl, so I do not need to attend. When are you heading off to Phillip Island?” “Well, it is not an official test, so the new bike will not be there. But I wanted to go mainly for track time, I know it was the place I got my first podium, but I am still weaker there, and want to get some more time out on the track. I am going to head down on Friday, then have Saturday and Sunday out on the track. Then fly back to Sydney Sunday night and home Monday” “Do you think Clair will have chilled her beef by then?” I laughed “f*****g hope so, although when she finds out I am here with you, I reckon she is going to hit the roof again” Finished her sandwich we headed back upstairs, f**k, I really want to just grab her and bundle her into my room…. damn going to have to get my sock off the top of the wardrobe again! “Night Jakey baby” Molly smiles, f**k she looks like she is blushing “Night Babe” I cannot stop the massive grin that is plastered all over my face right now! Molly gives off a little giggle then heads back into her room. I wake up with more than a spring in my step. Get in! full morning with the loveliness that is Molly. To be fair, it is not just my raging hormones that like to be with her…. although they play a big part…. But Molly is cool, and so much fun, and leaving out my s*x thoughts about her, she is a good friend, down to earth, and in no way affected by her superstar status she has right now.  I dive in the shower, to get clean, and get rid of some of the “excitement” again, then head downstairs for breakfast. “JAKE” the scream reaches my ears, and I know it is Margi. Bless her Margi, is 10 years old, a happy chatty little girl with a tendency to screech when excited, which she is forever getting told off by her rather grumpy dad Keith for. “Hey Margi, how are you today?” “I am sooooo happpyyy, I got a good report from internet school” “That’s great Margi, proud of you kid” I smile at her, as she batters her eyes up at me. Yeah, so for the past three years, Margi has it in her head that I am her prince charming, and we are going to get married someday… she knows this is going to happen, because she wished upon a star once, and well, as she tells anyone who will listen, when she did that for my Dad he met up with me and mam in the paddock, so it will come true!  It is adorably cute; however, I am going to have to let her down gently because I do not want another Clair situation in a few years time! “Hey Jake, full English for you” Mabel, Margi’s mam and our housekeeper states as she places a plate full of her amazing cooking down in front of me. “Mabel you are a star, I have missed your cooking so much” I smile as I tuck in. Mable’s food is always the best. “Did you miss me Jake?” Margi askes looking into my face, again she is batting her eyelashes, it is her new thing to do. “Yeah, of course Margi, now where is my baby sister?” “Right here” Molly shouts over, and I turn to see her with Maria both playing “racing” again. “Monkey nut, don’t you have a cuddle for your big bro?” I ask, “NO! Bikes” she huffs and continues to play with Molly. “Guess not then” I quip and everyone starts to laugh. Mam and Dad are sitting beside each other, his hand on her leg, as always. Yeah, they are really gross always touching each other and s**t. We all tuck into breakfast, apart from Molly, who insists she is okay with just some cereal and fruit, and she needs to keep a check on her kilo’s ready for the championship start. “Jake, are you going to hang out with me today” Margi asks, grinning up at me, “Margi stop your nonsense” Keith grumbles at her, “Not today Margi, Molly and I are heading out, then I will be herding cattle this afternoon” I smile at her, yeah best start to not indulge her little fantasy anymore. “Oh!” she huffs, then Keith gets his wish as she goes very quiet. Dad reaches over to her and ruffles her hair, “Hey Margi, you can hang out with me and Lilly this morning if you want, given you are the best little godmother of Maria, ever” he chuckles at her. “Cool” she mumbles sounding a little disappointed still. I go to take the dishes and wash up, “Hey Jake, leave them, I will do it” Mam shouts through. Hey! I do not need telling twice. “You ready to go Molly?” “Sure, let me get my purse” she runs off, f**k that sexy ass is amazing, she is wearing tight blue jeans and a baby pink crop top, so f*****g cute! We say our goodbyes and head over to my new Ute that Dad got me for Christmas “and before you ask, no you are not driving Molly” Molly is a speed freak even when she is driving, and well, as much as I trust her on a bike, she is as bad if not worse than my Dad for throwing cars around the road, and  there is no way she is driving like a maniac in my new Ute, on these country roads, the paintwork is pristine, and if I give her the keys, well I will end up with so many dents and scratches from the shale on the roads. “Oh, I like it when you’re all masterful Jakey baby” she teases, then laughing gets in the passenger seat. Damn, I would love to be all masterful with her…. s**t Jake, stop with the perving! She plugs her Phone into the USB and turns up the volume, as we set off, singing at the top of our lungs to some good old fashioned Meat Loaf, of course Bat out of Hell, being the favourite. “Come on Jake put the peddle to the metal, you’re driving like a granny” she teases me “Not everyone has a death wish like you Molly” I quip back. Laughing, she starts on a really bad rendition of stairway to heaven… Damn this girl is sexy as f**k, hot, funny, world champion motorcycle racer, but her singing will give you tinnitus quicker than Margi’s screeches!   We arrive in Swan hill, and I park up, outside the vet clinic. I get out, and run round to open the door for her, as I do so, she smiles a heart stopping smile at me “such a gentleman stud muffin” she grins. “That’s why the ladies love me” I quip back “Yeah, you are a babe magnet, Jakey baby” Fuck I wish I was, other than the wrong sister, and little Margi, my life is babe free! All because of this Babe right here is who the press think I am dating. I head into the surgery, just as a rottweiler with a temper, slips his owner as he is trying to muzzle it, and it heads straight over to us, snarling and growly, his heckles up, as he is in attack mode, and pining Molly practically against the wall as Molly screams out in horror. 
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