Chapter Fourteen - Girls night interrupted

1926 Words

Hailey’s P.O.V It was Friday which meant the weekend and no school for two days…yeah. “Sweetie, are you sure you don’t wanna come with us?” my dad asked, sitting his and my mother’s bags at the front door. “Honestly, daddy, I will be OK here. You and mum work hard. You both deserve this break. Layla is going to come to stay with me.” I smiled at him. I was always such a daddy’s girl, I have been since I was a tot. “Well, when we get back, the three of us can go grab some dinner and a movie or something.” He said, hugging me. “Sounds good. You two have fun, not too much, though.” I laughed hugging him back. My mum soon came down, and we said our goodbyes too. “I have put money in your account in case you need it. Love you.” My mum said, hugging me. “Love you both too, now go. I wil

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