Chapter Sixtenn - Next morning panic and hangover from hell

1738 Words

Hailey’s P.O.V I woke, and my head was pounding, the light feeling like it was burning my eyes. How much did I drink last night? I went to move but could not cause I was wrapped tight in someone’s arms. I looked down, seeing a wolf tat and realised it was Avery, this made me relax a little. I soon went into panic mode again cause I was that drunk last night I could have done anything. I lifted the covers seeing what I had on, seeing I was in my P.J.s. “Kitten, don’t worry, nothing happened.” I heard him chuckle. “Really?” I asked, relieved. He turned facing me and nodding. “It was not for your lack of trying mind.” He said smugly. Oh my, what the heck did I do? How much of an i***t of myself did I make? Please tell me I never tried having s*x with him. I slowly slid down the bed, hid

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