Chapter 68

1044 Words

Chapter 68 Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish Three days and three nights. . —Jonah 1:17 . GITA How ironic! She, who had always known hunger, was trapped in a room, surrounded by baskets filled with food, and couldn't slip out to snitch a single meal! Gita peeked out of the golem's secret compartment. The giants had once again covered the statue with a cloth, but the fabric was porous, so she could see the outline of what went on outside. She had to figure a way off this sky canoe before it took off again. It's too bad I don't have wings… If he lived… Who knows? She'd given him a chance. If he'd been too badly injured to fly, that wasn't up to her? Was it? You know he's alive? Why else would the goddess have put y

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