Chapter 2

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Chapter Two A few hours before dawn, Newark’s warehouse district was dark and deserted, no human foolish enough to brave the frigid streets. Jaci burrowed deeper into her coat and picked her way across a parking lot slick with ice, her breath clouding. The destination was just ahead, a dingy nondescript warehouse that currently served as HQ for Renault and his ragtag army of supernatural freaks. It’d taken her and Gabriel a while to get there. The snowy mountain roads were a b***h, and they’d had to make a couple of pit stops—a garden center and a spice shop—to procure the ingredients Jaci needed. And by “procure,” she obviously meant “steal,” but whatever. Just add breaking-and-entering to the list of crimes and misdemeanors I’ll be repenting for in my eternal hell… Gabriel had stuffed the registers with cash on their way out—the only thing marginally easing her guilt about the smash-and-grabs. Well, that and the fact that if they didn’t stop Renault tonight, it wouldn’t be long before the human world fell into mortal danger, too. Just like Cole. Cole. Her memories of the wolf shifter—the rough sound of his laughter, the sparkle in his kind eyes, the faint tinge of m*******a that perpetually surrounded him—pushed her onward, every step a lonely echo. The warehouse loomed large in front of her. No windows, just like Cole had described. No light. No hint as to what was hiding inside those walls. Gabriel waited in the shadows across the street, cloaked in a spell that temporarily muted his vampire signature from any supernaturals skulking around. Jaci had no idea how things would ultimately go down tonight, but she did know this: If Gabriel accompanied her inside, Renault’s goons would surround them in an instant, stake Gabriel into dust, capture Jaci on sight, and shoot the whole half-baked plan to hell. It’d taken almost the entire drive over for her to convince him of this fact, but eventually, logic won out and he agreed to give her a fifteen-minute head start. Didn’t make it any easier to walk away from him now though, knowing the all-too-brief kiss they’d shared in the frigid darkness might just be their last… No. Hell no. We just have to get through this shitstorm, then we’ll be back in each other’s arms, toasting in front of the fire and reminiscing about the time we kicked Renault’s ass… Sucking in a cold, energizing breath, Jaci hopped up onto a loading dock and made her way toward the two panther shifters guarding the entrance, just as Renault had instructed. Behind them, she could just make out the space inside—a massive concrete room divided by rows of industrial metal shelving, unmarked wooden crates, and steel cages stacked three layers high. Supernatural creatures of all sorts—little more than science experiments at this point—hissed and cowered inside, rabid and mutilated. She could only hope Cole wasn’t one of them. Jaci gulped. Now or never… “Isn’t it a little cold for you boys tonight?” she called out. “Thought panthers preferred the tropics.” They were on her in a flash, one pinning her arms behind her while the other unzipped her coat and gave her a thorough pat-down. She’d tucked two wooden stakes in her waistband earlier, and he’d found them easily, just like she’d hoped. “Where’s your bloodsucking boyfriend?” The handsy guy felt around to her backside, his searching growing more invasive. “I was about to ask you the same question,” Jaci replied. “Keep digging though—I’m sure he’s in there somewhere.” “Don’t get cute, witch.” “Can’t help it.” She shrugged and flashed a smile. “Genetics are a real b***h sometimes, am I right?” Handsy shot her a glare that could break glass. “Only reason you’re still alive is the boss wants it that way. The second he don’t, your ass is mine.” As if she needed convincing, he grabbed a handful of her flesh and squeezed. “Now I’ll ask again, one more time. Where’s Redthorne?” “Parking the car. Geez.” Jaci rolled her eyes. “No valet service here. I’m totally docking a star from my Yelp review.” Handsy glanced at his mute twin, still pinning her arms. “Find him.” The shifter released her and loped down the dock. He’d be dead in a matter of minutes. “The f**k you grinnin’ about?” Handsy glowered at her, still holding her ass hostage. Just wondering what a panther looks like wearing his intestines on the outside of his body… Out loud, she said, “Just wondering if it’s true what they say about a man with big hands.” He let out a grunt, a lazy smile stretching across his mouth. “What’s that, witch?” “Big gloves?” “That’s all you got for me?” He squeezed her ass hard enough to leave a bruise. Leaning in close, he growled, “After the boss has his way with you, I’m gonna break you in half.” “Hope you’ll at least buy me dinner first.” “Only thing you’re eating tonight is d**k. Let’s go.” At this, he finally removed his hand from her backside and gave her a hard shove into the warehouse. Jaci caught herself before she fell, trying to take in as much information as she could—the other exit points, the position of the mages and demons inside, an approximation of just how many enemies they’d be taking on tonight. The odds were definitely not in her favor. Jaci’s confidence faltered. One witch-demon and a royal vampire… against a legion of crazed monsters? Monsters who could very well be juiced up by powers from Viansa? She almost turned and bolted. But then Renault Duchanes emerged from the center of the warehouse, sauntering toward her wearing a look of supreme satisfaction, and the fire inside her roared back to life. You are going down tonight, motherfucker. A few dozen of his buddies loomed behind him—a handful of dark witches she’d seen in his service before, a bunch of mages she hadn’t, and a good number of demons and vampires. A few of the vampires held grays on leashes, just like she’d seen that night outside the hospital. If they decided to attack, she was toast. Fortunately, Renault didn’t like sharing the spotlight or calling in backup—liked to make everyone believe he had everything under control at all times. For now, his minions kept their distance, busying themselves by checking the cages, scurrying from one row of shelves to the next, following whatever orders he’d given them. But Jaci knew the deal. One word from the boss and they’d tear her apart… or worse. Lock her in a cage. She sucked in another fortifying breath. Not tonight, fuckers. Not tonight. Renault took his time getting to her, clearly enjoying the buildup to her so-called surrender. “You’re in deep s**t now, blondie,” her panther guard whispered, surreptitiously grazing her ass with his palm. “But don’t worry—we’re still on for later. Sloppy seconds? That’s my kink.” Every flame of hellfire inside was screaming to burst free. It roiled in her belly, crackled through her limbs, zipped down her spine until she felt like she might explode with it. But Jaci didn’t flinch. One wrong move and she’d lose this battle before it’d even begun. Instead, she waited. Thought of the vampire lurking outside in the shadows. Thought of the wolf they were here to rescue. The monsters they were here to end. All the innocent lives they’d save tonight, assuming she stayed calm and everything went as planned. Renault continued his slow march, king of his concrete castle. But the closer he got, the less kingly he appeared. Despite his posturing, the vampire looked tired and old—much older than she’d remembered. His face was pale and gaunt, dark circles ringing his bloodshot eyes. A faint but noticeable tremor shook his hands. The curse. She could almost feel it eating away his life force, one cell at a time. It was the worst she’d seen of it, and she suspected—left unchecked—it’d probably kill him in a matter of weeks. Days, maybe. The thought should’ve filled her with joy. Instead, it terrified her. The vampire she loved was bound to the same fate. I will break this, Gabriel. I promise… “So my witch has finally come to her senses.” Renault hummed with pleasure as he approached, his lecherous gaze raking her from head to toe. Stopping just before her, he smiled and said, “Hello, Jacinda. So lovely to see you again.” Jaci lowered her gaze to the floor and hunched her shoulders, a tiny whimper escaping her lips. Renault hummed again. Jaci kept her smile at bay. And the award for Most Convincing Performance in a Vampire Takedown goes to… “You… you too, Renault,” she said softly, forcing a tremble into her voice. Unlike the panther she’d mouthed off to, her former master required a different approach. One she’d honed over her years of working as his bonded witch, perfecting her technique until the witch she became for him was so different from the witch she truly was, she no longer recognized herself. It was Gabriel who’d brought her back. Gabriel who saw the real Jacinda hiding inside. The one who fought hard and loved harder, who always spoke her mind, who never let her enemies get the better of her—even the enemy she’d fallen in love with. Again, her smile threatened to break free. Again, she buried it. Renault took a step closer. Fingered a lock of her hair. Licked his greasy lips. Certain he was close enough to scent her blood, Jaci flipped through her memories of hell, calling up a couple of the most terrifying—she and her father trying to outrun a dozen fanged hellbeasts in the volcanic region of Jenspar. Viansa dousing her in gasoline and locking her in a coffin for three days, flicking lit cigarettes at her until she’d grown bored of the game. No, it wasn’t true fear that soured her blood now—just an echo triggered by those dark memories—but the effect would be the same. She knew it the moment Renault scented it. He perked up immediately. Leaned in close. Dragged his nose along the side of her neck and sniffed as if she were a fine wine. “Beautiful,” he whispered. And this time, Jaci didn’t have to fake her shiver. His touch was as repulsive as his face. “Careful, boss.” The handsy panther held up the stakes he’d taken out of her pants. “b***h was packing.” “Jacinda. Really?” Renault released her hair and drew back. With a quick stomp of his boot, he obliterated the weapons. “And here I thought this was a happy reunion.” “I… I didn’t mean… I’m sorry,” she stammered, forcing herself to meet his gaze. Calling up a few tears and another bad memory, she dropped her voice to a whisper and said, “I was… I’m… I’m just scared.” Disgust flooded his eyes, but desire quickly followed, just as she’d known it would. Below his beltline, his pants tented out. He reached for her once more. Brushed his knuckles along her jaw. “You should be scared. You know I don’t like to be threatened.” Jaci’s eyes widened in feigned horror. Renault smiled again. The fucker never could resist a damsel in distress. But unlike her vampire prince, Renault wasn’t interested in saving anyone. Only in dominating. Only in hurting. Only in feeding. Showtime. “Please!” Jaci wrapped her arms around her chest and stepped backward, eyes darting everywhere, lip trembling, looking every bit the vulnerable prey Renault wanted to see. The prey she needed him to see. “I swear,” she continued, fake tears rolling down her face. “I swear I wasn’t going to stake you, Renault. I’ll… I’ll do anything you want. Just… please. Please don’t hurt me.” “I only hurt those who hurt me, Jacinda.” Another grin, a flash of fang, and the monster was on her, hauling her against his chest and sinking his fangs deep into her neck. Jaci didn’t know which was more annoying—the sting of his sloppy bite, or the pencil-d**k erection poking her stomach—but she didn’t resist him. Just tried to relax as he took his fill. Slurping. Gulping. Moaning. Her stomach turned. How she’d managed to live with this pig for so many years without roasting his ass was a damned mystery. The panther caught her gaze and winked. His pants had tented too. There was a special word for men who got their kicks overpowering women. A few special words, actually. And as the slimy vampire sucked and slurped from her artery, every last one of them raced through her head. But tonight, in this moment, her heart lighter than it’d felt in decades, Jaci had a different word for Renault Duchanes: Defeated.
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