Chapter 17

6662 Words

Craig and Ross caught the ten thirty shuttle back to Sukhothai on Monday morning, dawdled at the airport and then took a taxi back to the village, arriving at one p.m. they had arranged to meet the ladies at Nong’s and they were already sitting there as the taxi pulled up, which surprised the men, knowing what they were normally like as timekeepers. Perhaps being in business and university was teaching them better punctuality, thought Craig. “Hello, ladies,” they both said as they sat down next to their wives. Ross went to kiss Ayr and she didn’t try to stop him. Craig winked at them and tried the same with Lek, but she pulled away, saying ‘In the room!’ as he had known she would. He smiled at Soom who was sitting the other side of her mother. She smiled back and held out her hand which h

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