Chapter 15

6390 Words

The miserable mood that had afflicted Craig for several days hadn’t escaped anyone’s attention, not even that of his few email pen pals, but since he hadn’t told anyone what the matter was, no-one knew how to help him either. On Thursday, Ross approached Lek while she was working in the shop. “Lek, can I have a word, please?” “Sure, what is it?” “As you probably know, I have to go to Bangkok tomorrow for the weekend and I was wondering whether to invite Craig or not. Do you think it might cheer him up? When was the last time he left the village?” “The last time? Whew, er, we used to go to Laos for his visa every three months until last year when he got a twelve-month visa from Naan. That will probably finish soon, so it could be a year or so. He never goes anywhere unless he has to. We

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