
195 Words
Lenore Well, that was easy enough. The first kid who arrived is well built, short enough on stature to perfectly play the role, and hungry enough not to ask a lot of questions. And those soft, mousy eyes, so reflective of a personality seeking a controlling guidance. Plus as a freshman he has few acquaintances on campus. He skipped out with my twenty dollars like a little pack rat finding a shiny piece of metal. Thus I know he’ll be back for the big prize. Depending on his psychological make up, my offering could be either the hardest or easiest fifty dollars he will ever earn ... and he will earn it. Chloe so much likes dogs. I return to the armoire and open the drawer...mask, collar and chain in hand. There in the bottom is the remainder of Willie’s ‘uniform’, the specially made arm coverings and boots. I suppose I should have taken the time to determine if such will properly fit him, but the woman assured that the stretchable latex results in ‘one size fits all’. And she so nicely painted the black rubber with swirling sections of white to replicate the Dalmatian look. The woman is such a treasure!
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